Ch 10 {Tough Decision}

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Everyone froze upon hearing her words.

If Yumi's friend was infected then that meant one thing. They would either have to kill him before he turned or leave him for dead. Something Snipe couldn't imagine himself doing.

"Where is he?!"

"In the changing room with the others," Yumi answered.

"How many others?" Todoroki asked additionally.


"Todoroki! Iida! With me! The rest, stay with Yumi!" Snipe ran into the back with them.

The child no doubt needed to be separated from the rest. Otherwise, he could potentially infect them next. Afterward, they would have to figure out what to do with the boy. They entered the changing room and saw a dead zombie in the corner with a blanket covering its body. They assumed it was the zombie that found its way in and infected the child.

"Hello! My name is Snipe and I'm a hero! I need you to call out to me so I know where you are!"

"Over here!" Todoroki heard someone's voice nearby. He pulled the curtains aside and found three kids. One whom he recognized.

"Are you okay?"

"Of course not! We were trapped in here for an hour and my friend's infected!" Tamashiro yelled.

"Right... Sorry..." He gazed at the ground shamefully.

"Alright, which one of you is infected?" Snipe and Iida entered the picture.

"That would be my friend," Tamashiro pointed to the boy tucked in the corner.

"I'm going to need a minute with him. You'll find other heroes outside," Snipe told them.

"Alright. Let's go, Hai!" Tamashiro left with his classmate.

Once they were out of the changing room, Snipe approached the boy and kneeled in front of him.

"Be careful, Mr. Snipe," Iida advised.

"What's your name, kid?" He calmly asked.

"My name...?" The boy raised his head weakly.

To Snipe's horror, the boy looked terrible. He was sweating all over, looked extremely tired, and every breath he took sounded like his chest was filling up with mucus. To make matters worse, his skin looked pale. The cherry on top was when he noticed scratch marks on the kid's arm with black streaks spreading from the wound. This was a clear indication the virus was in him.

Because he didn't know how long the kid had, he knew the time would come when he'd have to make a tough decision. A decision he hoped he wouldn't have to make. Until that time came, though, he had to stay positive for the kid. Especially if this was his final hour on Earth.

"Yeah, your name," Snipe assured, smiling under his mask.

"I. Can't. Remember..." He confessed.

Snipe, Iida, and Todoroki shared a look of concern when he said that. If the virus made one's outer appearance look like hell then one could only imagine what it did to you mentally. If the infected didn't have memories of before then it made it all the easier to eat people.

"Tell you what... If I tell you my name then can you try to tell me yours? It doesn't even have to be your real name," he smiled, rustling the kid's hair which made him laugh a little.

"Okay... I'll... Try..." A series of coughs exited his mouth.

"My name is, Sunaipu. Now... What's yours?"

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