Ch 7 {Aim For The Head}

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After five minutes, the back to the mall came into view, and surprisingly, the parking lot looked empty. As they drove through the gate, a loud pop erupted from the front of the bus, making it swerve uncontrollably.

Mic slammed on the brakes and slowly brought the bus to a stop near a semi-trailer truck. Sadly, this gave everyone whiplash again.

"Slow down, dammit!" Aizawa yelled after nearly crashing into the truck.

"Sorry! Something must have happened to the tire, MAN!" Mic apologized in his usual loud tone.

"If I'd known you bought your license, sir, I would've driven myself," Kaminari joked.

"You took the words right out of my mouth, Sparky," Bakugo folded his arms in contempt.

"If anyone here wishes to drive, then, please. BE MY GUEST!" Mic said once everyone was done criticizing him.

"I'll gladly take your place if that's what you call driving," Kaminari remarked.

"Do you even have a license?" Shoji asked.

"Of course I do. But the fact you didn't know offends me, honestly." He pretended to act heartbroken.

"You goofball," Jiro snickered at him.

Putting the bus in the park, Mic opened the door and walked out to examine the tire. Before he left the bus, though, he had a moment of hesitation. It was like his entire body stopped moving, and Aizawa noticed this.

"Do I need to hold your hand or something?" He asked.

"Maybe! It's not like a zombie can pounce at me at any moment as my back is turned," Mic sarcastically said.

Aizawa sighed before looking at Snipe and Ectoplasm. "Watch his back, will you?"

Stepping off, Mic examined the area to be on the safe side while Ectoplasm and Snipe watched his back. Once it was clear, he looked at the tire.

"What happened?" Aizawa asked, standing by the doorway.

"The damn tire blew out! Probably from the debris, I ran over in the road earlier..." Mic gritted.

"Can you fix it?"

"Yeah, I can fix it, but it's gonna take a while. I haven't changed a tire in forever," Mic explained.

"Will you need any tools?" Snipe asked.

"No need to worry. I brought my tools with me just in case something like this happened," Mic assured.

"If only I'd driven..." Aizawa whispered.

"So it's my fault!" Mic overheard his whisper, bursting like a balloon.

"Will you two be quiet! You're attracting unwanted attention," Ectoplasm interrupted.

Aizawa and Mic immediately stopped bickering and realized they had attracted a zombie who'd come out of nowhere in a drunk fashion.

Aizawa assumed he was the truck driver since he had a shirt with the logo of a shipping company on it. To Mic, he just saw a zombie with a bite wound on his neck and blood trickling from its mouth.

"No way... Are you seeing this?!" Mineta noticed the zombie.

"Ahh! It's missing an arm!" Ashido freaked out, covering her eyes.

"I can't believe it... A real zombie." Koda couldn't believe it as well.

"Pfft! More like a drunk driver... Get it?" Kaminari joked, looking at Jiro.

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