Chapter Thirty-nine|Dolores knows too Much

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Mirabel's pov:

"Morning El" I smiled. "Morning Mira. Do you feel better?" She asked. "Actualy.. I need to talk to you about something.." I sighed.

Daniel's pov:

"Morning everyone" I rubbed my eye while entering the dining room. "Good morning, have you seen Ellie?" My Tia asked. "Um-Yes" I stuttered out.

"Really? Where is she?" She asked."She said that she will stay in her room until the gift thing will calm down" I said.

"Are you sure? It's so unlike her" Tio said. "Yep, more than sure"

Ellie's pov:

"So you're telling me that young version of your Tio mysteriously appeared in the kitchen last night to tell you about me?" I laughed. "You don't believe me?" Mirabel sighed.

"I do, it's just so confusing" I combed my hair. "I'm more than sure it has to do something with Casita" Mirabel said. "How did he even get here?" I asked. "He had some kind of weird necklace"

"Are you sure you weren't hallucinating? Maybe youre just trying to deny everything" "Ellie, I'm more than sure! Something is happening to the Miracle and I need to save it. Are you with me? " Mirabel asked.

"Fine" I sighed. "But how are we going to save it? " Mirabel just smirked at me.


Dolores was filling her plate while Mirabel and I approached her. "Dolores, hey!" I yelped. "You know that out of all my cousins, you're my favorite cousin" Mirabel stated. "You are!" I nodded with a huge grin on my face.

"So I feel like I can talk to you about anything, and you can talk to me...Us about everything" Mirabel smiled while leanding against the table.

"Like the problem with the magic few days ago no one seemed to worry about" I added. "But maybe when you still had your gift you heard something we should know about" Mirabel said before Felix walked to the table with food.

"Camilo!" He said and we both looked at him, confused. "Stop pretending you're Dolores so you can have seconds" Felix pointed his fork at Dolores that was supposted to be Camilo.

"Worth a shot" Camilo shapeshifted into himself again. And didn't forget to wink at me. What a dumbass.I just rolled my eyes and watched Casita smack Camilo with it's window.

Felix just sighed and walked away while taking a bite of his arepa. "The only ones worrying about the magic is you two...And the rats talking in the walls" Dolores whispered. "Oh! And Luisa, I heard her eye twitching.. All night" Dolores did the sqweak sound and walked away.

Me and Mirabel just changed confused looks.


"There we go" Antonio said as he placed down the table. "I have an idea" Mirabel walked towards the table. "Everyone, to the table. Let's go, let's go" Alma entered the garden with coffee in her hand.

Casita moved the chairs to the table for everyone to sit, I sat next to Camilo. Meanwhile Mirabel quickly sat into Pepa's seat since it was next to Luisa's.Pepa gave her an angry look but then she sat into the next seat.

I quickly grabbed one of Camilo's arepas to see if he will notice."Hey!" Camilo said. "Sharing is caring, shapeshifter or should I say.. Ex shapeshifter? " I said as Camilo tried to take back his arepa. With a smirk, I licked the surface of the arepa so he wouldn't want it back.

Camilo just stared at it for a moment before he grabbed the arepa from my hand. Looked me in the eye and took a bit of it. "You're discusting" I said and checked on Mirabel.

"Come on! It's like kissing" Camilo laughed. "No it's not" I rolled my eyes. But before Camilo could say something stupid again Alma spoke up. "Family, we are all thankfull for the Guzmans being kind, because Mariano still agreed with proposing Isabela even throught the mess that is happening right-" Before Alma could finish her sentence Mirabel smacked the table and pointed at Luisa's eye. "You do!"

"Mirabel, if you can't pay attention. I'll help you" Alma said and signed Casita to move her seat away from Luisa.I just facepalmed and gave Mirabel a 'stop it' look. "As I was saying.." Alma started her monolouge again.

But Mirabel wasn't listening to me at all and she was still glaring at Luisa. "Mariano's proposal to Isabela has to be perfect, and so we" Alma cupped Isabela's cheeks.

"Luisa, do we have a date?" Alma smiled and Luisa sticked out her ear to hear what is Mariano saying. "Tonight, he wants five babies" Luisa said and started eating again.

Isabela looked terrified, but I couldn't understand why. "Wonderful! Such a fine young man with our perfect Isabela will bring a new generation of magical blessings and make both of our family's stronger" Alma stroked Isabela's hair before walking to the head of the table.

Meanwhile Camilo kept filling my hair with roses. "You look beutiful as always,mi vida" He smiled, I couldn't help myself but blush. "La familia Madrigal!" Alma yelled out. "La familia Madrigal!" Everyone yelled back.

I grabbed few roses and filled also Camilo's hair with them. He was just dreamily watching me while I was doing his hair. But suddenly somebody grabbed me by the blouse from behind and started dragging me to the Casita's front yard.

"We have some work now"

Total world count:902

~Camilo Madrigal~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt