Chapter Thirty-one|Accident

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Third person's pov:

''There has to be something that made Mirabel mad" Ellie mumbled walking around the hallways of Casita.But then she heard a quiet 'pssst' coming from Isabela's room.She quickly turned around to see the door into her room slightly opened.Ellie carefully walked closer and peeked inside the room."You're worried about Mirabel,aren't you?" Isabela asked carefully braiding a flower crown.

"How do you know?" She walked in and closed the door behind her."I have my methods" Isabela smirked."But back to the topic" She added placing the finished crown on her her bed."Mirabel heard something that she wasn't meant to hear" Isabela said,a small smirk was still not leaving her face.

"And that was?" Ellie asked carefully."Bianca was telling Abuela that she hopes that Mirabel wouldn't cause any trouble.Like she did multiple times" Isabela said."What?!" Ellie yelped."It is what it is" Isabela sighed walking closer to Ellie."But it shouldn't bother you?Because you're here for my primo,aren't you?" Isabela smirked.

Ellie was speechles.All she could do was stutter out almost meaningless sentence."Mirabel?She's my friend not only him" Ellie stormed out from the room.As soon as she was distanced enough from Isabela she put her hands on her face and groaned.

"Gosh-I'm so dumb"


Julieta was cleaning the kitchen when Mirabel walked in with sad expression on her face.When Julieta noticed her she quickly approached her and gave her a sidehug."What happened,cariño?" Julieta pulled Mirabel closer to her."Mami,do I ruin everything?" Mirabel sobbed."What?Who told you that?" Julieta asked while stroking Mirabel's hair. "I heard Bianca and Abuela talking"

"Oh,cariño.." Julieta sighed. "You know that Bianca loves to overreact things" She added while pulling away from to hug so she would be able to face Mirabel.

"Remember that there's always people that love you" Julieta gave Mirabel smile."Even Abuela?.." Mirabel sobbed."Even Abuela" Julieta nodded."Now I feel better,thank you Mami" Mirabel smiled and hugged her mother.


The sun already started to fade away and the path leading to Casita was full of people.The music was playing and everyone were having fun.At the moment Ellie was at the table with food.Looking for something to eat.

"There's my godness" Carlos appeared next to her."Maybe I am godness.But not yours" Ellie ended up grabbing a drink before she walked away.With of course,Carlos behind her.But when he spotted where is she going he changed his mind.

"Sweetheart you look amazing" Ellie's mother pulled her into a warm embrace."But aren't you cold?" She quickly pulled away to face her daughter again."I'm not,don't worry" Ellie chuckled."Okay,good" She smiled."And~Where's the rest of the family?" Ellie asked,lloking around.

"I'm not sure,we all went diffrent ways when we came here" Ellie's mom said."Alright,I'll go find them" Ellie said."Have fun" Her mother waved at the girl that was now disappearing in the crowd.


Ellie was looking around,trying to find a specific person but instead of that,she bumped into someone."Oh-Sorry Dolores" Ellie chuckled."Have you and Camilo..You know?" Dolores whipered."Good to see you too.And no" Ellie's tone got a bit serious.

"I might have something that could help,follow me" Dolores smirked while grabbing Ellie's hand and leading her to the table with food.Then she grabbed a jug and poured a dark red liquid into a cup.

Quick A/N:No it's not blood

"What's that" Ellie asked,grabbing the cup."Grape juice" Dolores smiled."If you say so" She shrugged and took a sip of the drink.But then Daniel appeared."No time long see?" He smiled."Daniel!Good to see you" Ellie smiled and pulled him into quick hug."Imma head out,see you later El" Dolores said walking away."See ya!"

"Anyways..anything new at home?" Ellie aked."Boring as usual and even more boring without you" The two laughed."Wait-what are you drinking?" Daniel pointed at the cup Ellie was holding."Oh,this?Some grape juice Dolores gave me" Ellie said.Daniel grabbed the cup and sniffed it.

"That's wine-" Daniel lifted his head up."Is it?Well that explains why I feel little dizzy" Ellie chuckled taking the drink back."Well-It tastes good so" Ellie took a sip of her drink and Daniel just rolled his eyes.


The two were chatting for like hour now and Ellie started getting drunk."Daniel!" Miguel yelped."I have to go,see you later" Daniel smiled before walking off.Ellie noticed that her cup was empty again.So she decided to make her way to the table with food and fill it.

When she arrived to the table.Ellie found out that she wasn't the only teenager that was drinking alcohol tonight."Hola,Mi amor" Camilo chuckled."Camilo,you know that this is wine?" Ellie raised her eyebrow while pointing at the jug he was holding."Of course" He smiled.

"And~It can get you drunk" Ellie chuckled."Yep,that's my point" He said,taking a sip of his drink.Ellie just smiled and poured some wine into her cup."You're very pretty,do you know that?" Camilo smiled."Thanks,you also don't look bad"

And as the universe wanted.A slow song started playing."Seems like a sign" Camilo sticked out one of his hands."I think so too" Ellie giggled,taking her best friend's hand.

The two walked to the middle of the dance floor and pressed their body's against each other.While the two danced Camilo whispered sweet nothings into Ellie's ear.

At the end of the song Camilo dipped Ellie down and their lips pressed together.But suddenly they both heard a loud cheering.

They quickly pulled away to see that the whole room was watching them dance.A blush formed on their faces while the two were trying to act like nothing just happend.

They kissed..Exactly like Dolores wanted..But the only thing Ellie had in her mind was..

That Camilo was the one that kissed her first..

A/N:First kiss!Finally!I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I did.

Anyways have a great day/night! <3

Total words count:1030

~Camilo Madrigal~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu