Chapter fourteen|Cuddles

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Ellie's pov:

"What the hell i am supposed to do now?!" i mumbled.It was getting darker every minute and i didn't have too much time left.I wasn't sure from which side did i came from.They all looked the same.Especially in the dark.

"Dolores!" I started screaming her name hoping that i'm not that far away from Casita and the village."Dolores!" I yelled again.This time with my hands around my mouth.

20 minutes already passed and i gave up.It was completely dark already.I sat on the ground realizing how tired i was the whole day.Im not sleeping well since Oliver arrived into our village.

I closed my eyes and buried my face into my knees.Accepting my fate and the fact that im going to most likely die here.

I started humming the song that me and Camilo danced on.Beautiful memory.But all of the sudden someone joined me.I thought that i am going crazy before i looked up.

"Camilo?" I felt tears starting to form in my eyes.He pulled me into his warm embrace."You're so cold" He said pulling away."Im so sorry that i didn't told you" I sniffed."It's okay amor.Im just glad youre with me again" Camilo smiled.

"C'mon now let's get you out of here" He helped me up."How long i have been here?" I asked."Around 5 hours?" He scratched his neck."What?!" I gasped.I thought that it has been like hour or two.

He grabbed my hand and led me to the horse with Dolores on it.She hopped down and hugged me."I was so scared!" She said."Im so glad to see you" I smiled.

We rode through the forest to the Casita.They weren't even bothering to sneak me in because we just walked normally in through the back door.

Even though everyone were home by then nobody actually noticed us.Me and Camilo went into his room.

"Camiloo im coldd" groaned sitting on his bed."Do you want cuddles?" He chuckled."Maybee?" I smiled."You need to wait until I'II get snacks" He walked outside.

I covered myself with Camilo's warm,cozy blanket making me feel comfortable instantly.I just closed my eyes and waited for Camilo.After a couple of moments he came in with a plate of Arepas.

I gave him a smile as he placed the plate on the nightstand."Now we can cuddle" He chuckled and wrapped his hands around me.Making me feel warm and save.

I started playing with his curls.After a while it started getting impossible to keep my eyes open.I placed my head on his chest and Camilo pulled me closer to him causing me to drift to sleep.

*Timeskip:Next morning*

I woke up hearing everyone being up already.Even though i was awake i kept my eyes shut.I felt that i was lying on something soft and warm.

I woke up hearing everyone being up already.Even though i was awake i kept my eyes shut.I felt that i was lying on something soft and warm.

I opened my eyes to see that i am laying on Camilo's now shirtless chest?!I felt my face heat up a bit.I wasn't sure if he was shirtless even before or not.But before i could straight up my mind i heard Camilo."Good morning Querida" His raspy morning voice said.

"Good morning" I smiled."Were you shirtless before we went to sleep or?" i asked."I was hot at night so i took it off" He explained."I think that you should go down for breakfast."

"Nah I'II stay here with you" He started playing with my hair.I kicked the blanket from the bed so i can feel more free and then placed my leg on his and started rubbing circles on his chest.

We stayed like this for a while until i heard Camilo's door open causing me to lift my head up.

My eyes widen when i saw Antonio standing at the door.

Total word count:658

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