Serafall Ending

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Eren teleported somewhere in the devil realm as he walked up to a mansion. He knocked on the door as someone answer the door. "Yes?" Sona answer the door. "I came to see your sister" Eren told her. Sona sigh as she said "Come in." Eren went inside as they walk pass servants. "She should be here" Sona said, pointing to a door. "Thanks" Eren said as he went inside the room. When he did, he saw Serafall on the floor watching TV.

He walked behind her and saw what she was watching. It was some magic girl show that he knew Issei knows about due to one of his clients. He cleared his throat, alerting the black hair girl. She turned around and was surprise to see him. "Eren!?" she said. She turned off her TV and said "Who let you in?"

"Your sister" Eren told her. Serafall nodded her head as she said "You probably want to talk about why I sided against you during the Rumbling." Eren didn't say anything as Serafall began to explain. "It's just, I have let you known about my feelings for a long time. But during that time, you've never return the same feelings to me." She began crying and said "I know what you're thinking. I'm some crazy girl that's obsessed with you and I should get over you. I tried doing that during that battle, but I couldn't. I wish I did and I promise I'll try harder to get over you, so-"

She stopped talking when she was surprise by a sudden hug from Eren. "I didn't come here to talk about that" he told her. "You didn't?" Serafall asked him. He shook his head as he said "I came to talk about something else or do something else. I came to do what you've wanted for a long time." He grabbed each side of her face as he pulled her in for a kiss. She was surprise by the sudden kiss as she embrace it. 

They began moving around as they fell to Serafall's bed.

Years Later

"Someone is attacking the city!" citizens were shouting. A men dressed in a villain costume was laughing as he said "No one can stop me!" 

"Hold it right there villain!" someone said. He turn and saw a black hair girl in a magic costume. "Magic Princess!" the villain shouted. Magic Princess dashed to him and said "Eat this, magic princess beam!" She blasted a rainbow beam, hitting the villain. "Curses, I'll get you next time magic princess!"

"And cut!" someone said. The actors began getting off stage as Serafall remove the mask on her face. "You did great miss Leviathan" a producer told her. She nodded her head as she heard "Mommy!" Serafall turn and saw a black hair girl running to her as a brown hair man was following her.

"Lilly, come here mommies little princess!" Serafall said as she picked up her daughter. "You were so cool. I liked how you beat the bad guys!" her daughter said. Serafall smile at her as Eren said "Your mother is a hero for sure." He walked to her and gave her a kiss. "How's my queen?" Serafall asked him. "I should be asking you that" Eren told her.

After getting into a relationship, Serafall traded one of her pieces for Eren before making him her queen. "I'm tired, we should got out for some lunch" Serafall said. "But miss Leviathan, we're about to shoot in a bit-"

"We're going out to eat" Eren gave a glare to the producer before they left. "You don't have to be mean to them" Serafall told him. The three of them left the movie studios as their daughter choose where to eat. They order their food as people were looking at them. "Sometimes it's hard being famous" Serafall said. Eren saw the many people looking at them as he decided to put up some walls using his hardening powers.

"Better?" Eren asked her. "A little" Serafall said. "Woah, these are some huge walls" their daughter said. "Mommy and Daddy have seen bigger" Eren told her as he patted her head. "Really, can you take me to see them!?" their daughter said. Eren sat there as he remember that the walls are no longer there.

"I don't think you will, they're gone now" Eren told her. "I'm just glad I get to have lunch with my two favorite people" Serafall said, looking at her husband and her daughter. Eren smile at her as he remember how he had met Serafall. 'Everything feels like they happen a long time ago. But here I am now, living my new life' Eren said in his head. 

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