Eren Vs Issei: The Rematch

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Eren roar in the air as he stomped the ground, summoning crystal spikes to impale the devils around him. "We're doing good so far!" Rossweisse shouted. "Yeah, hopefully Rias and crew are doing ok" Irina said. Eren turn to the castle and thought 'They've been there for a while. Is everything going alright?' As he was thinking, some devils got on his back. He summon spikes on his back, impaling the devils.

All of a sudden, he saw a giant blast at the castle. "Issei!" Eren shouted, as he saw the castle being destroy to pieces. He started running over there, killing any devil that got in his way. He heard a roar and he stopped. Standing in the rumble was a red dragon like creature. It roar as Rias and the others were wondering what to do. All of a sudden they jump when they heard another roar. They turn and saw Eren standing there.

Eren rushed Issei, pinning him down. Issei stabbed him through the chest with his arm, making Eren grunt in pain. Eren punched his fist onto Issei's face, making the dragon bleed from the mouth. Issei bit his hand as Eren used his other to crystalize it before punching him in the face. 'Issei, please wake up!' Eren said in his head. Issei shot out some beams, making Eren crashed to the other side.

Rias flew towards him and shouted "Eren, you got to stop! If you keep fighting him then you'll die!" Eren stood back up as he put up his fist. 'If I need to die to bring back Issei, then so be it!' he said in his head. Eren rushed towards Issei punching him in the face. Issei slice his face and punch him through the chest again. With his tail he impale the back of his neck. "Wait! Eren is stuck in the nape!" Xenovia shouted. Eren grunted in pain as the tail had pierce his real arm inside the nape. 

Issei took out his tail and arm as Eren got on his knees. Isse then grabbed each of Eren's arms and pulled them off. Eren roar in pain as Issei swiped his head off. Eren was now expose to Issei as he look up to him. Eren smile and said "It's ok brother, I deserve this fate." Before Issei could eat Eren, he was hit across the face. "You look really pathetic Eren Jeager" the person said. "Vali" Eren said, as the white dragon was in his own juggernaut drive. 

"I'll handle your brother, you go with your friends!" Vali said. Rias flew next to Eren and said "I'll help you." He grabbed his hand as they got to the ground. "What happen to Issei?" Eren asked as he hold onto his wound. "Asia was taken away by us and Issei lost himself in anger" Rias said as Eren spotted the blond hair nun there. "But she's here?" he said.

"Vali and his friends found her and brought her back" Rias said. She look back at Issei and said "I'm going to go stop him!" Eren didn't like the idea but knew that if he couldn't stop Issei, then maybe she can. Rias flew towards Issei as she shouted "Issei, please come back to me! If you disappear, then I would like to disappear with you!"

Issei grabbed Rias but he stop. He was frozen for a moment before his armor broke. Issei was save by Rias as she brought him down. "You're ok!" she said. Everyone crowded around him as he spotted Asia. "Asia!?" he said. "Vali and his friends saved her" Rias told him. "It was by pure chance" Vali said. He walked away and said "Issei, I want to show you something."

Issei walked over to him and in the sky a giant red dragon appear. "That is the god Red Dragon Emperor. He was the one I wanted to see" Vali told him. "Hello Big Red" someone said. Everyone turn and a black hair girl was sitting there. "Who's that?" they asked. "That's Ophis, the infinity dragon" Vali said, shocking them.

"I would like to go there too. Just to live in silence" she said. Eren walked up to Issei and Issei realize his wound. "Dude, did I do that to you!?" he said. Eren nodded as he punched him in the face. Issei fell to the ground and everyone rush towards him. "Now we're even" Eren said, as he then realize Issei wasn't getting up. 'Did I hit him too hard?' he said in his head, as he then realize one of his arms still hadn't turn back. 

Time Skip brought you by Zeke wondering why hasn't he done anything in the past few chapters

"Nothing yet?" Sirzechs asked as they were talking to him through a hologram. "Nothing, Issei seem fine, but his wound is deep inside of him" Azazel said. "I never seen him have such a intense transformation" Kiba said. "Issei is like this because of me, I'm so sorry" Asia said. "Don't blame yourself. Blame those Khaos jerks for this!" Gasper told her.

"Asia, you still haven't done it yet, right?" Azazel asked. "The thing you learn during training." They went to Issei's room where Azazel said "The dragon in him is malfunctioning."

"If that's the problem how can we fix it?" Eren asked. "Asia's sacred treasure might fix it" Azazel said. "Might is a problem, what would happen if it doesn't?" Eren said. "Theirs's a chance it won't work." Eren growl as Asia said "I'll do it."

"Are you sure?" Rias asked. "I owe everything to Issei. I need to take that chance if it means healing him" Asia said. Eren walked up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. "I have my faith on you, please heal him" Eren said as he left the room. Everyone soon left the room too as Gasper ask "Are you sure it's ok for her to be there alone?"

"We have no way to determine how powerful the force would be. And as long as that the case, we can't be in that room" Azazel said. Eren was tapping his foot on the ground as he look out the window. 'I already lost many comrades in my life, but I don't want you to be one of them Issei' Eren said in his head. After waiting for a while, Rias and the others went to check on Issei. Eren stayed with Azazel and Grayfia to talk to Sirzechs.

"Our recent encouter with the Khaos brigade has made one thing absolutely clear. The old Satan faction has fallen into ruin" Sirzechs said. "Vali never saw them as allies, he planned on them using them to the very end" Azazel said. "Ophis intends to kick out big red from the dimensional gap, thus Vali's interest lines up with hers."

"As it stands now, the lines between the worlds remain stable, and have done so ever since great red was confined there. But if he were to be free-"

"Then the world as we know it could be in jeopardy. No matter the cost it takes" Azazel said. "When Loki attack time and space, maybe a gap open that was enough of a window that great red could appear" Sirzechs said. "Loki, a pain in the ass from the beginning to the end" Eren said. "Eren, where are the other titan holders?" Sirzechs asked. "Most of them should still be at Paradis Island" Eren said. "Good, we might need to use their powers in the near future if this gets any worst" Sirzechs said.

A/N: Hello everyone and thank you for reading. Thank you for those who participated in the poll last chapter and the results are: Eren to only end up with one of the girls. It won just by two points. 

My plan was to let you guys chose which girl for him to end up with, but I know one certain girl will win for sure *cough* Mikasa *cough*, so I have another idea. I'll just make different endings for each of the girl Eren ends up with. 

Here are going to be the different endings:

An ending where he ends up with Mikasa

An ending where he ends up with Irina

An ending where he ends up with Serafall

And an ending where he ends up with Rossweisse, that relationship will get more developed in the future chapters.

Thank you guys for supporting this book as it's about to end. My plans are for one more original arc in the new three chapters, season four of Highschool DxD, and the rumbling arc before ending the story. Thank you for the support and have a good day. 

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