Mikasa Ending

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Eren had traveled to Paradis thanks to his new devil teleportation ability. He teleported near the tree that he remember he used to hang out during his scout days. A person was waiting there for him. Mikasa turned around and saw Eren walking up the little hill.

"You wanted to talk to me, Eren?" Mikasa asked him. Eren nodded his head as he got close to the tree. He placed one of his hands on it and said "Remember when we use to hang out over here? When we were done with training, we would come here with Armin and look at the sky."

"One time I woke you up, you woke up with tears" Mikasa told him. Eren turn to her and saw she had the scarf he had given her wrap around her neck. "You still have that old raggy thing?" he asked her. She nodded her head as Eren said "It only feels months ago that I wrap that scarf around you."

"Eren, why did you ask me here?" Mikasa asked him. "I wanted to tell you something that I've been wanting to tell you for a while now" Eren said. "Mikasa, would you go out with me?" Eren asked her. That question came out as a shock for Mikasa as she didn't expect that to come out from his mouth. "Do you mean you want to hang out?" Mikasa asked him. 

"No. I mean us being a couple. Ever since I met you, I didn't know what these feelings were. But now I know what they are. They're the feelings I have for you" Eren said. "So, want to go out?" Eren asked as Mikasa nodded her head. "Yes" she said.

Years Later

In a empty space near a forest laid a cottage. A brown hair man was chopping firewood as he was sweating from his forehead. This man was Eren Jeager or now known as Eren Hyoudou. "Dad!" he heard someone shouted. He look up and saw a little boy walking with a black hair women. "Me and Mom caught some fish for dinner!" the little boy shouted. "Good job Zeke" Eren said as he ruffle his sons hair. 

"You've been working hard" Mikasa told him. "Just trying to do something to keep me busy" Eren said. "Daddy! Mommy!" they heard a girl voice. They turn and saw a little girl running towards them while holding something in her hands. "Look what I found!" she said, showing them a butterfly that she caught.

"That looks beautiful princess" Eren told her. "But not as beautiful as your father/mother" the two adults said, being shock about what the other spouse said about them. "Kids, get ready. Your uncle Issei and aunt Rias are coming" Eren told them. "I can't wait for uncle Issei to come! He told me the next time I see him, he was going to show me some of his old techniques!" Eren's son said.

"I think you shouldn't listen to the advice your uncle gives you" Eren told his son. "Daddy, can you pick me up?" his daughter asked him. "Can you do the same thing too Mommy?" their son asked Mikasa. The two parents agreed as they put their children on their shoulders. "Daddy, you think aunt Rias would teach us how to use our wings?" Eren's son asked him. "Maybe she will. I don't really use mine a lot so I'm not the best person for you to ask about that" Eren told his son.

"I want to fly, so I can be free in the sky, just like those birds!" his son said, pointing to a flock of birds. "Maybe you will Zeke, maybe you will" Eren said. The family went inside their home as they welcomed Eren's brother and sister in law where the couple told them some surprising news. 

"You're having a kid!?" both Eren and Mikasa said at the same time. "Yup, we just found out last week" Rias told him. "I'm going to be a dad!" Issei said. "And I'm going to be an older cousin!" Eren's son said. "Congrats Issei, I'm proud of you. I know Mom and Dad would be too when you tell them" Eren told his little brother.

"Dad, uncle Issei. Do you think you guys can fight and show us your powers?" Eren's daughter asked them. "I don't know. It depends on how the old dragon is feeling" Eren said, looking at Issei. "I've improve a lot since our last battle Eren. I think this time I can beat you" Issei told him. "We'll see, right now" Eren said. "Deal" Issei said as he shook his Eren's hand. 

"You're not fighting in my house" Mikasa said as she took the two brothers outside. "Wow, your wife's strong" Issei told his brother. "That's one of the reasons why I love her" Eren said, as he kissed Mikasa on the cheek.

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