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A force field was covering the school as Eren stare at his two opponents. Issei summon his sacred gear and so did Kiba. Eren just stare at them with a blank face and Issei said "Where's your weapon?"

"You'll see" Eren said. "Oh no, this is bad" Irina said. "He should've never challenge Eren" Xenovia added. "I know both Kiba and Issei can take him" Rias said. "You sure?" Xenovia ask her, as Rias was wondering if she was.

Kiba ran up to him and started swinging his sword at him. Eren dodge all of them and he was able to punch Kiba in the face. He then took out his arm and said "Holy Sword." A sword appear in his hand and he slash at Kiba. Kiba backed up and said "You have one too!?"

"Eren!" Issei shouted at he rush to him. Eren dodge his attack and Issei ran to him. He threw a punch and Eren dodge it, grabbing his arm. He then elbow him in the face and punch him in the stomach. "Even though we're brothers, I won't let you get in my way" Eren told him. Issei got on his knees and Kiba ran to him. He slice at Eren and Eren blocked it with his sword. "Armor!" Eren shouted as a hammer appear in his other hand. He then hit Kiba in the face with it and slice him at the stomach.

"How did he do that!?" Rias shouted. "His holy sword has the same powers that his titan form has as well" Irina told them. "How come he hasn't use it?" Rias ask them. "Because he doesn't think their worth the trouble."

Issei ran behind Eren but he spotted him. He turn around and punch Issei in the face. Issei's nose was bleeding and he shouted at Eren "What happen to you!?"

"What happen to you!? I don't remember my little brother being this much as an idiot" Eren told him. All of a sudden the shield around them disappear and surrounding it was a group of devils. They were arm and were aiming their weapons at Eren. "What is this?" Issei said. "Of course this would've happen" Eren said. He put his hand near his mouth and said "Who summon you!?"

"I did" Rias said as she walk up to him. "You call your big brother, even though this fight was between me and Issei" Eren said. "Don't forget me" Kiba said, but he didn't hear him. Eren turn to Issei and ask "Did you know about this?"

"No, I didn't" Issei said. Eren stare at him and said "He's telling the truth. This just proves she's just using you."

Issei groan in pain and said "Eren, I'm sorry." Eren picked up his brother and said "No, I should be sorry. I should've told you when I got back."

"Issei, he's the enemy-"

"Rias, we can trust him. He's my brother" Issei told her. Eren look at her and said "If Issei trusts you, then I should give you a chance." He walk by her and whisper "But if your hurt him, I will kill you."

 "Mr. Jeager, we finally meet" someone said behind him. He turn around and saw Sirzechs. "If isn't big red" Eren said. "When Rias told me that you were the big brother of Issei, I was shock. But it seems you guys made up" Sirzechs told him. "I'm only doing this for Isssei, the sec you betray him I will kill you" Eren told him.

"Don't worry, we have no plans on betraying Issei" Sirzechs told him. Eren sigh and said "I'm tired, I'm going home." He walk by Xenovia and Irina said "You guys could come if you want."

They follow him and Rias said "Is it really safe to trust him?"

"I know it is, he's my brother" Issei said.

Time Skip brought you by Eren and Sirzechs arguing who's the best older brother

The next day Eren was eating with Irina and Xenovia as they devouring all the food in front of them. "So you guys spend all your money on a painting?" he ask them. "The seller said that it was a relic of god, I needed to have it" Irina said. Eren put some of his food in his mouth when a group walked up to them. "There you are" Issei said.

Eren look at him and said "What do you want?"

"We actually wanted to see you guys, we want to help you guys get the holy swords" Issei told them. "Devils wanting to help us? That's new" Irina said. "Why are you doing this Issei? Is Rias forcing you to do this?" Eren ask him. "No she's not, she actually doesn't know about this" Issei told him. 

Eren smile and said "Good, doing things on your own." Eren turn to the girls and said "We'll help them, right?" Xenovia was going to protest but Irina shut her up. "You don't want to get on his bad side" she whisper into her ear. She smile at Eren and said "Of course!"

Eren got up and said "I'll pay for lunch, let's go."

"Cool, but we need to find Kiba first" Issei said. "The blond hair dude? Why?" Eren ask him. "He left the peerage so we're trying to bring him back. That's why we're doing this" Issei said. Eren nodded and said "We both get something, that seems fair."

They were able to find Kiba and he said "I'm surprise that people of the church want the destruction of the holy sword Excalibur."

"Aren't you a stray? That means we have the right to kill you" Xenovia said. "You can try" Kiba said as Issei got in between them. "We don't have to do that" he told them. "We need to work with each other to get the swords, once that happens we'll leave" Eren told them. "Wait, you'll leave?" Issei ask him.

"Only for a bit until the people of the church knows we got the sword back" Eren told him. They split into teams, as they went to different directions looking for the swords. "Be honest Eren, do you actually have the strength to kill your own brother if the time comes?" Xenovia ask him. "Why are you asking that?" Eren ask him. 

"Your brother is really annoying" Xenovia told him. "You get use to it" Irina told her. "What are you doing?" said a voice behind them. They turn around, shocking them. "C-C-Captain L-Levi!"

A/N: Thank you for reading. Sorry if Eren feels like an OC but I am trying my best to make him like how he is. Also sorry that the story feels fast, it was obvious Issei was going to find out soon anyway. I hope you guys will like this hatred between Eren and Rias, I wanted to make a story where the main character hates Rias and I thought this would be the one. 

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