The Party

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Both Eren and Issei were standing in the party just waiting. "Why are they taking too long to get ready?" Issei asked as his friends were still getting dressed for the party. "I don't know, I'm wondering why I have to be here" Eren said. "Don't you want to get the devils trust? Show them you're that fun guy that use to make sure I wouldn't get in trouble but still had fun."

Eren sigh, looking back into how he was four years ago. He was an active child who could never sit still in one place. But when Issei was born, he made sure to mature a bit. Issei was too much for him as he was much more crazier than him. "Yo Issei" Saji said as he walked up to them. "Sup Saji" Issei said, as Saji then turn to Eren. Eren just gave him a blank expression and Saji said "A-And you m-must be E-Eren J-Jeager."

"Don't be afraid of him, inside he's a really chill guy" Issei said. "Ok" Saji said as he jump back when Eren took out his hand. "Handshake?" Eren asked as Saji looked embarrassed about how he reacted. He walk to Eren and shook his hand. "You went on that date with the president's sister, she was really against it when her sister told her" Saji told him. "Oh, you're in Sona's peerage then?" 

"Yeah, pawn" Saji answered. "I don't blame her for not trusting me. I have done bad things to devils in the past, but I want to show that I can move on" Eren said. "Hey guys!" the brothers heard as they turn. The others were there in their dresses and suits. "Wow, you girls look like princesses" Issei told them. "Why is the vampire wearing a dress too?" Eren asked. "Why are you wearing a dress!?" Issei asked him. "I feel comfortable in it" Gasper answer them.

Issei chuckled and said "He's a cross-dresser."

Eren nodded and said "Well, I'll leave you guys on your own." Before he left, Rias said "Wait, maybe you should join us. My brother is in a meeting so he won't be here for you to talk to." Eren turn to her and was about to reject, when he remember what Sirzechs had told him the day before. "You know what, sure" Eren told them as he went with them.

They got drinks as Eren shared embarrassing stories with them. "There was that time our father caught Issei masturbating to some pornos. He lied that he got the pornos from me, but our father knew his sons too well to know he was lying" Eren said as they laugh. Issei was embarrassed and he said "Well, there was that time you fell off the swing when you were standing on it."

Eren chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head remembering both that and the time he had training with the scouts. "Oh, it's you guys" someone said. They turn and saw a blond hair girl standing there. "It's been a while Red Dragon Emperor" she said. "Ah, you're that grilled chicken's little sister" Issei said. "Grilled chicken? It's Ravel Phoenix! It's fools like you that make me hate lower class devils."

"Phoenix? She's Riser Phoenix little sister?" Eren said. "Yeah" Issei told him. "Oh my, you're Eren Jeager!" Ravel said. "I've been listing to every thing you've been doing, like how you destroy that city of low level devils and how you almost killed Sirzechs Gremory-"

They just stood there in silent as she went on about things. "And I just found out that you're the older brother of the Red Dragon Emperor, and that blew my mind-"

"Hey, you don't have to call me the Red Dragon Emperor. Issei is just fine" Issei told her. "I-I can call you by your name!?" she asked. "Yeah" Issei said. "Um, since I'm here, I'm wondering if you two would like to join me in tea time. And if you like, I could prepare a homemade cake-"

"Sure" Issei said. "Really!?" Ravel said. "Yeah, and I'm sure Eren would love to go too" Issei said as he turn to Eren. "Depends on my schedule" Eren said. "I'm so happy you guys accept it. Take this as a token of my gratitude!" Ravel said, giving Issei a little bottle. She left and Eren said "Does this how Levi feels after meeting some girls on the internet?"

"You guys are really popular tonight!" Gasper told them. All of a sudden, Koneko ran chasing something. "Where's she going?" Eren asked. "Something's off. I'll go after her, you guys stay here!" Issei said as he ran after her. 

Time Skip brought you by Ravel asking Eren for an autograph

Eren was in a room with Sirzechs, Serafall, and Azazel. They were discussing about the fight Issei had with the Khaos brigade. An old man came in which his name is Odin. "Long time no see you old bumpkin from the north" Azazel said. "And here I find the bratty fallen angel I once knew, breaking bread with lifelong enemies?" Odin said. "Hah! Unlike you stale old fashioned northern gods, we try to be a little flexible. Why keep up troublesome rivalries when we could promote our own interest instead?"

"Why is Odin here?" Eren asked. "And why is a mere human here?" Odin asked. "There's problems with Loki and he needs our help. Also this man is Eren Jeager, a former enemy who now allies with us due to his little brother being the Red Dragon Emperor" Sirzechs explained.

Eren nodded as Odin went up to Serafall. "Oh Serafall, what sort of costume is that?" he asked her. "Oh, don't you know? I'm a magical girl" Serafall said as she did a little pose. "So this is what's popular with youngsters nowadays?" Odin said. "Not bad, I must say" he said as he was checking Serafall out.

"Enough of that indecency Odin!" a silver hair women said. "So stuffy that one, and exactly why she'll never make a proper warrior. This is my assistant" Odin said. "Sorry for being late, my name is-"

"She got looks and talent, but it's her stuffy personality that keeps the men away" Odin interrupted her. "Anyway, we should Eren with Rias and her peerage to go deal with Loki" Sirzechs said. "I could also send Sona too" Serafall said. "And I'll send my assistant until I'm able to bring Mjolnir here" Odin said. "You ok with this?" Sirzechs asked Eren. "Yeah" Eren answer.

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