Day Off

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Everyone was standing in front of Kouh's Acadamies dirty pool, some being confuse why they were there. "Since the student council helped us during the fight with Kokabiel, we have to clean the pool for them" Rias said. "Technically they didn't do alot since I broke down the shield to help you guys" Eren told her. "They did help us. Anyway, in return for cleaning the pool they are letting us use it afterwards" Rias said. 

"We get to use the pool? Cool" Irina said. "Alright, lets go change!" Issei said as they went to change. The boys just put on swim shorts without a shirt. "Hey Eren, you think you can train me some time?" Kiba asked him. "Sure" Eren said. "You just want to get a body like his" Issei said. "No, I think he's a skilled fighter ever since he fought us. Also I do kind of want a body like his" Kiba said.

"Well I know one day I will get a body like his too" Issei said. "Sure you will" Eren said. "But I will!" Issei said. "I didn't say no" Eren added. They clean the pool and afterwards they got to use it. Eren sat on a chair watching the others play in the water. He realize that Irina and Xenovia still hadn't came out of the changing room. "Hey Asia, where's Irina and Xenovia?" Eren ask the blond nun.

"Oh, their still trying to get their swim suits on. I think it's their first time wearing one" Asia told him. 'That's right, we never did get alot of breaks. Even with the breaks we got, they never took us to the beach or a pool' Eren said in his head. He got up and headed to the restroom. As he was going he heard a psst. He stop and he turn to a door. Inside was Irina who was wearing what seem to be a revealing swimsuit. "Eren I need your help" she told him.

"Please don't be anything to do with your swimsuit" Eren told her. "It's not, it's Xenovia. She doesn't really feel confident to come out with her swimsuit" Irina told him. "Why don't you ask one of the girls?" Eren ask her. "Because she doesn't really trust them yet, and she considers you her big brother." Eren sigh and he nodded his head. Irina let him in and he saw Xenovia in also a revealing swimsuit.

"Where do you girls buy these swimsuits?" Eren ask them. "You don't like it?" Xenovia ask him. "No! I do like it, I think it makes you look beautiful" Eren told her. "That's something weird  for an older brother say to his little sister" Irina teased him. "Shut up" Eren told her as he look back at Xenovia. "Look, most of the girls out there are wearing reveling swimsuits. Issei is out there having a nosebleed fest just because of what Rias and Akeno are wearing. Their is nothing to be ashamed of" Eren told her.

She nodded her and said "Ok, I think I'll come out now." Eren nodded and said "You should, you'll miss out on all the fun." They headed outside where they enjoy the rest of the pool day. When the day was over, everyone change back to their normal clothes. "Wow that was so much fun!" Issei shouted. Eren laugh and said "Yeah, it's been a while since we came to a pool together."

He turn to Irina and Xenovia, and said "Are you sure you want to stay at my house? I don't know if we have enough space."

"Erwin did want us to look after you" Irina told him. They headed to the O.R.C club room to be surprise by who was there. "Hello everyone" Sirzechs said as he was in the club room with Grayfia. "Brother!?" Rias said surprise. "What are you doing here?" 

"You didn't think I forgot about open house, did you?" Sirzechs ask her. "I forgot open house was tomorrow!" Issei said. "Wait, open house is tomorrow?" Eren said confuse. Sirzechs saw him and said "I didn't see you there Mr. Jeager. Or do you want me to call your Mr. Hyoudou?"

"Eren is fine" Eren told him. 'Asshole.'

"Anyway, me and Grayfia need a place to stay-"

"You should stay at our house!" Issei said. "What!?" both Rias and Eren said at the same time. "Thank you for the kind offer, we will accept it." 

That night they had dinner and it was a little tense between Sirzechs and Eren. Eren had both of his hands on the table, and he made sure to see if Sirzechs had his on the table as well. When it was time to go to sleep they walk by each other in the hallway. Sirzechs stop and said "If you hurt my sister, I will kill you."

Eren turn to him and said "If you hurt my brother, I'll kill you and your whole family." Sirzechs nodded and they continue walking. "That must suck" Irina said as she was with Eren and Xenovia as they were sharing one room. "I don't like the fact he's in my house right now. He's probably using this time to convince Issei to not leave his sister. I wonder what lie he's telling him" Eren said. 

"Maybe to make her boobs bigger?" Xenovia suggested. "They don't need to be bigger than they already are" Eren said. "You like her boobs?" Irina ask him. "What!? No! I hate all of her" Eren told them. He yawn and said "Well I think it's time to go to bed." He took out a sleeping bag and put it on the floor. "You sure you don't want to sleep on the bed with us?" Irina ask him.

"No it's fine, I don't mind sleeping here" Eren said, getting in the sleeping bag. "Goodnight" they all said at the same time.

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