Ten|| "can I kill him? Please?"

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Josie woke up to no sign in how she got back home.

"MOM?" Josie called

"Your mom left to go pick up some dinner from the grill" Hope says as she flipped through the pages in a book

"I thought I was dreaming.. You saved me?" Josie asked as she held her head

"Don't be so surprised, It's my Job to protect you, little witch" Hope says as she finally closed the book

"Who is this finch girl and why are you obsessed over her?" hope asked

Josie's eyes went wide, ''How do you know about finch?" Josie immediately got out of the bed

Hope grinned before waving the book she was reading in her hands.

Turns out that 'book' was Josie's diary.

"HOPE!" Josie yelled before getting up and taking it back

All hope could do was smile.

"You know, out of everything I've read in that book I can assure you that I know exactly what you are" Hope says

Josie raised her eyebrow. "What do you mean what I am? "

"Well you obviously are a school girl, My guess is you are the one that makes good grades.. Uhh what's it called" hope trailed off "The responsible one?"

"You can say that" Josie says as she walked over to the dresser

"I talked to your sister" Hope admitted

Josie turned around slowly "About?"

"About the baby"

"What about the baby?" Josie crossed her arms

"Me and lizzie agreed that I should be the one you call when you aren't feeling well, Seems to me as the whole time I was here, You have gotten amazing sleep and/or you haven't ached of pain one bit"

"Relax hope, Your humanity is showing" Josie Jokes

"I can't control it.. and I can't stay away from you and the baby for some odd reason" Hope groaned

Was hope feeling something? Could she be?

"Maybe it's guilt" Josie joked

"I doubt that" Hope rolled her eyes

"Why are you still here?" Josie asked

"You still haven't answered my question.. Why should I answer yours?" Hope asked

"What was the question again?" Josie asked as she walked back over to sit on her bed

"Who's finch?" Hope asked

"Why do you care?" Josie asked

"I just want to know.. why can't I know?" Hope tilted her head

"It's none of your business" Josie muttered

"It is my business!" Hope felt threatened for some reason by the finch girl even if she didn't know who she was

"Are you... are you jealous?" Josie asked with a grin

"That's a part of an emotion, and as you can tell-"

"-Your humanity is off yeah,yeah. You aren't fooling anyone hope, I see right through you" Josie sat up against the head board

"I-i uhh read some baby books" Hope admitted

She didn't know why she admitted that but she did

"You did?" Josie chuckled

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