One|| "you are so in trouble"

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Josie saltzman, she's 18 years old, she's a siphoner witch, She's a twin.. She's THE responsible one but in the situation she's in now.. This wouldn't be called responsible at all.

Josie saltzman, short for Josette saltzman, was pacing around a room that wasn't even hers, she was looking for her underwear hints the last night events, she had gone to some stupid sority party that her sister had dragged her to.. Apparently Lizzie, short for Elizabeth, wanted to impress this new boy, Sebastian. Josie was stuck between going to the party with Lizzie to help her impress the new boy, or staying in her dorm to study... This was mid of college at the Salvatore college university for supernaturals and Lizzie had about 7 bodies already, No judgment though.

"Hello love" There was Hope Mikaelson, The IT girl of this whole planet

She was in what Josie believed to be her bed.

"I was just leaving" Josie assured as she hurried up and put on her pants

"Why so fast?" Hope asked as she tilted her head

"I shouldn't be here, I have to get to the salvatore school" Josie groaned as she put on her shirt

"That's like 20 minutes away from here" Hope chewed on her bottom lip

"Okay, I'll just call my sister" Josie pinched the bridge of her nose

"You can't" hope got out of the bed

"Why?" josie put on her jacket

"You left your phone at the bar, remember?" Hope asked as she tilted her head.

"Did I?" Josie couldn't remember anything from last night, the only thing she remembers is waking up next to the hope Mikaelson, Her sister will drive her nuts if she finds out she slept with a Mikaelson.

"I can drive you... If you would like me too" Hope seemed so nice

"It's fine"

"Okay, I'll go call my brother and he can pick me up, meanwhile you could go and take my car with you"

Was Hope Mikaelson really offering her a car, what the hell?

"No I couldn't possibly take your car"

"Why not? I insisted" Hope smiled softly

Everyone always said that hope and her family were horrible and brutal people, not that josie was the type for gossip or to even listen to anything people say, but she didn't think hope would be this nice

"Thank you, I should get going" Josie says before making her way to the door

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Hope asked

Josie turned around

"What?" Josie asked

Hope smirked before she held the keys to her car in one hand and Josie's laced panties in another.

Josie quickly took her panties out of hope's hand and held her head down from embarrassment.

"It's okay, I'm pretty sure I've seen more than that last night... Not that I remember" Hope pouted

Josie looked up at hope and sighed.

"Thank you so much" Josie says as she took hope's keys

Josie didn't know how she could be so irresponsible, now when her parents find out about this she will be in trouble, no matter how old she gets, her parents words will always have an impact on her.


"Where the hell have you been?" Lizzie asked josie as josie walked into the dorm

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