Twelve|| "you can't and you won't"

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Josie woke up to hope embracing her into her arms.

Hope wouldn't let go she was like a cuddle monster.

But Hope was so warm and that's what Josie loved the most on morning like these.

Josie turning over and that just increased hopes grip.

Josie smiled at Hope

"Hope.. Wake up." Josie whispered as she grew her finger around hopes chest.

Hope didn't say anything but that didn't stop Josie's from staring.

"Why are you staring at me?" Hope asked with her eyes still closed.

"I'm not staring.." Josie whispered

Hope opened one of her eyes.

"I thought you weren't staring." Hope closed her eye back.

"I'm's gazing" Josie smiled

Hope had to stop herself from smiling.

She didn't feel like her humanity was on, but then again her humanity felt...felt like Josie.

There was a knock at the door.

"Who the hell would be here?" Hope asked

"I don't know..I'll go check." Josie says as she tried to get up but Hope pulled her back down

"Don't move..stay here." Hope whispered as she kissed Josie's forehead.

"I'll be right back." Hope got up from the bed and vamped downstairs

When she opened the door she rolled her eyes.

"What the hell are you idiots doing here?" Hope scoffed

"Well, we were trying to let you know that we were on our way anyways but you wanted to hang up." Freya says as she walked inside the house.

That's when nicolas, henrik, klaus and Hayley walked in

"We got the whole gang down here but we figured you didn't have food so they are out buying you some." Hayley says

"What the hell are you doing here?" Hope asked

"We are here to tell you about the 'Adolescent maternity link' since you wanted to hang up." Freya crossed her arms.

"What's going on?" Josie asked as she walked down the stairs.

Hope looked over at her and worried that she might fall but around her family it felt like she had a mixture of her not caring and her caring at the same time.

This didn't go unnoticed by Nicolas.

"You know your twin brother I'm sensing a little feelings there" nicolas called her out

Hope vamped nicolas into the wall as her eyes light up

"What the hell did you say?" Hope held him up by thread.

"HOPE!" Hayley yelled

"Put your brother down." Klaus demanded

"And what in the bloody hell are you gonna do about it father? I mean you already treat him better than I" Hope says as she still eyed nicolas

"That's a lie Hope! I treat you both the same." Klaus says

It was true..but Hope didn't think of it that way.

"ANDREA!" Josie yelled which caused Hope eyes to shiver down.

She turned to Josie.

"I'm sorry." Hope whispered before dropping nicolas down.

"I'm sorry." Hope whispered once again before walking over to Josie and hugging her.

They all exchanged looks as Josie rubbed hopes back.

Hope put her head in the crook of Josie's neck and wrapped her arms around her waist.

"I really am sorry." Hope whispered

"I know hope...I know." Josie whispered as she stroked though hopes hair.

"I thought your humanity was off." Klaus says as he crossed his arms.

"If you all shut the fuck up then I can tell you why she is acting this way." Freya buts in as Hope still held onto Josie.

"I'm listening.." Josie says

"It's called an Adolescent maternity link" Freya started off

"Hope is only acting this way is because her humanity is on." Freya added

"What?" Hope asked as she pulled away from Josie.

"Well what I mean is..Hope humanity is only on when she's around Josie because Josie Carries her baby. Meaning that instead of a normal vampire sire's a witch bond..and the baby has sired hope to Josie until the baby is brought into this world." Freya explained

"WHAT?" Josie asked

"It makes sense now..that's why I did everything she asked me to do and why I care so much about how she feels." Hope scoffed

"Well how do we get her humanity back on fully?" Hayley asked

"You can't and you won't." Hope grabbed her coat.

"We can." Freya says

This is what Hope was afraid of.

Hope was afraid this would happen.

"How?" Josie asked



"Sorry mother." Hope says shyly.

"There it is!" Nicolas yelled

"Shit!" Hope yelled

"Her humanity is fully on the closer she is to Josie." Freya says

"The only how I know to get her humanity back on is one way..and I don't think we should tell Hope that though." Freya added

"I want you to get the fuck out of here." Hope stepped up to Freya

"Absonum."  Freya says as Hope passed out into nicolas arms.

"We have to get her to New Orleans..and until this baby comes..she will stay with us into we get her humanity fully on..and find out who is after us with the stake." Klaus Sorts out.

"What about Josie?" Hayley asked

"I'm not leaving here..I have school and my family and I can't just take out 7 months of my life to pursue hopes needs." Josie crossed her arms.

"That reminds me.. Josie you are going to be giving birth early." Freya added.

"What do you mean giving birth early? You will not make you hear me?" Hope eyes glowed up gold as she pushed out of nicolas arms

The spell didn't hold her for long

"Relax's apart if her pregnancy... the Adolescent maternity link makes Josie pregnancy speed up and that's more of the reason why she gets constant tummy aches." Freya says

"Which means..?" Hope asked

"Which means by the 3 months the baby should be here." Freya admits.

"WHAT?" Josie asked

"We should get to New Orleans, I can talk you more then."

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