Seven|| "for my sake"

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"I'm going to go." Josie says as she cleaned up the stuff her and freya just worked on.

"You aren't going anywhere until that baby is dead." Hope threatened

Freya stepped in front of Josie.

"What the hell do you mean Hope? This is her baby...this is your baby, you can't just kill the baby" Freya says

"Why can't I?" Hope asked

"That's your own flesh and blood, why would you want to kill the baby Hope?" Freya asked

"That would involve caring, and you can clearly see that's something I'm lacking." Hope crossed her arms.

"Oh I see, well then, Josie why don't you go get some sleep, and Hope we need to have a chat." Freya says

Freya was plotting on bringing back hopes humanity but she couldn't, she knew she wouldn't be able to but there was a real reason her humanity couldn't come back and that was because Hope was deep into her no humanity stage and she casted a spell to mute out any things that can trigger her humanity

"What's going on? I thought you said that Hope wouldn't wake up until at least 7 more hours, this isn't going as planned" klaus says

"Well that's only for a regular vampire,I'm no where near close to being some regular vampire like you daddy-o" Hope says as she fell back into the couch

"I'm a hybrid Hope!" Klaus says

Hope laughed a bit.

"I know, I just wanted to piss you off quite some bit." Hope smirked

"So is it true?" Sage asked as she walked into the living room.

"Is what true?" Klaus asked

"That your baby is having a baby" sage rolled her eyes

Klaus turned over to Hope.

"What the hell are they talking about?" Klaus asked

"Dad take a chill pill, it's not like the baby will seek to exist, you can kill both her and the baby for all I care." Hope says with a smirk

"We aren't going to kill neither of them! You sound too much like your father." Elijah says as he walked into the room.

"I was thinking maybe I should go, I don't want to be anywhere, that I'm not welcomed." Josie says as she came down the stairs with a suit case

Hope vamped to Josie which gave Josie a light scare

"You are welcomed here, don't listen to Hope." Hayley says

"Why can't anyone seem to stay out of my business, I'm a grow ass full activated tribrid that can handle this on my own, I don't need another thing in the world that can be targeted and another way for my humanity to come back." Hope rolled her eyes as she examined Josie.

"Im keeping this baby hope.." Josie says

Josie had never seen Hope like this.

"Then I wish all my mortal enemies to catch you before birth." Hope smirked

"HOPE!" Hayley yelled at her

"You will not talk to Josie that way Hope, she's family now." Henrik says as he stepped up

"Family my ass! She just don't come in her claiming to be pregnant with not only a baby but my I have to remind you guys that we are girls?" Hope asked

"Leave Josette alone Hope!" Klaus yelled

"What do you care for father? This is how I handle my situations." Hope says as she turned to look at her father

"You are a fully activated tribrid, you can't have any kids unless you pull a me, and I don't even think that can be possible, but seeing as we both know the chances are highly not, you must know that you should cherish this baby with all means, at least while you still can, I made a mistake with wishing you death when you were younger and I will not let you make that mistake with my granddaughter ." Klaus says

"How do you know the baby is a girl?" Hayley asked as she turned over to her husband

"I just have a feeling." Klaus smiled

"No way! That's going to be my great nephew" kol says as he walked into the room.

"I'm sticking with dad on this one." Nicolas says

"You guys are right..." Hope says

They all turned to look at her.

"But there's no need to argue over if the baby is a girl or a boy, because whatever it is...." Hope took a deep sigh and smiled. "Whatever it is will be dead In the next few seconds." Hope says as she took her head and aimed it for Josie's stomach.

Hope was soon blasted with an orange light before she could even touch Josie's stomach.

Hope winded up on the floor.

"What the hell did you just do?" Hope asked as she got up and tried to vamp to Josie.

Every time she got close Hope hands would burn for a few seconds before she will get blasted again.

"You did this sister?" Kol smirked as freya come down the stairs.

"As much as I would love to take credit for this, I didn't , it's someone else doing the spell." Freya says

"Is it you?" Hope bites out as she stood up circling around Josie.

"No, I can't use my magic, I'm a siphoner and right now I have no siphoning magic." Josie admits.

"It's definitely you!" Hope yelled at Josie.

That's when hopes head started to ache.

"MAKE IT STOP!" Hope yelled

"I can't." Josie says

That's when Josie belly started to glow blue.

"It's the bloody child." Henrik smiled

"The baby has magic already?" Freya asked

"I guess so." Josie says shyly.

Hope head soon started hurting.

"No! This can't be!" Hope yelled

"What now?" Nicolas asked his sister in anger.

"Agnes sister Cora said that there was great magic...great magic that was in mystic falls and Agnes was plotting to go and kill it but I think I found the source of magic first." Hope smirked as she stood up.

"So? What does that mean?" Finn asked

It was now everyone in the room.

There was davina and kol standing on one side of the room.

There was Rebekah and marcel taking up the couch.

There was klaus standing next to Elijah as Hayley stood to his other side.

Henrik, and nicolas was standing by the door just in case Hope wanted to make an escape.

"I think maybe- maybe the bloody girl should stick around." Hope turned to look over at Josie. "For my sake." Hope smirked

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