Twenty-one|| Protecting our baby part 3

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"You can't just hide out here forever...what are we going to do about getting Hope to get Olivia? We still haven't gotten the bloody Stake that Alaric promised us, we might have to go get it ourselves..livy can stay alive for one day." Finch says as she walked out of the room

"Maybe this is a bad idea...I know I want revenge on Hope but Josie is so sweet and I don't think I can do this to her." Matthew sighed

"You little wuss!" Finch says before she stepped up to grab Olivia but Matthew got in the way.

"Don't touch my godddaughter." Matthew says

"Oh now you wanna be all protective and mighty but I have you know that you suggested the killing part of our mission you bastard." Finch rolled her eyes

"I need you to tell my father that the deal is off" Matthew says as he picked up Olivia

"They will never forgive you for taking that damn baby, besides don't you want revenge for your mother?" Finch smirked

"Revenge isn't always a good thing and it won't always help." Matthew says

"My mom isn't going to be too happy with this." Finch pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Fuck what Gia has to offense but I'm tired of working for her anyways." Matthew says.

"Don't ever talk about my mother like that and I call ourselves a deal." Finch says

"Whats with the sudden agreement?" Matthew grew suspicious

"I just think that maybe I should give Josie a chance..seeing as she has always had a crush on me and I think maybe I should give her a shot" finch grinned

"You aren't going anywhere near you understand me?" Matthew asked

He made a gross face when he realized he sounded like Hope.

"I can see whoever I want..just because you're my older cousin doesn't mean that you can control over me whenever you like." Finch crossed her arms

"Shut up and help me think of a plan for getting Olivia safe in hopes arms without her knowing we were the ones to steal her." Matthew says


Hope and her family didn't rest..they looked top and bottom for Olivia but it was no sense

Hope haven't given up but she did take a little break and went to sit with Josie who still wasn't up.

"Hey jo" Hope says as she walked over to her

"I know that you can't hear me and I'm Pretty sure that I'm talking to myself. We need you jo...Olivia needs you and so do" Hope sniffles.

She grabbed Josie's hand.

"And I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner but I really want you to stop talking and seeing Matthew and you might think I'm jealous...and I am. I know this isn't the best time because I'm supposed to be bring Olivia back home to us but I can't do that without at least making sure another person that I love is safe." Hope ranted on.

Josie jumped up and gasped for air.

"Hope? Where's livy?" Josie asked as she looked around

"Easy there cowgirl...first we need you to drink some of that blood so you can complete the transition and then we can kill every single person that dared to come near our little girl" Hope says before handing Josie a blood bag.

"I'm so ready for this" Josie says

Hope was surprised at how easy Josie was handling the vampire hearing pain.

But one thing finally stuck out.

She basically just said she loved Josie and she never said something like that..or at least that's what she thinks.

After Josie got done with her blood Hope had to ask aunt freya to do a controlling spell because they couldn't worry about Josie controlling her blood and finding Olivia at the same time.

"I'm here! I'm here! Where is my favorite grandchild?" Caroline asked as she stormed in and took off her jacket.

"Uhh she's kidnapped and we are looking for, how you doing?"  Henrik smirked

"STOP IT!" Hope yelled from the room at henrik.

Henrik rolled his eyes.

"Anyways we need all the help we can get so you can work with me on checking in the place under the quarters." Henrik grabbed his coat as Caroline put hers back on.

Klaus glared at them from the top of the stairs.

"I'm ready and we need to find her" Josie says as she got up

Hope got up and ran after her.

"Okay so what other things can we do? We tried a locator spell." Hope says

"You tried a locator spell when I was sleep... I can siphon the magic off of the spell enough for you to get the location and then we can be on our way" Josie says

"With us as well, you know damn well that I won't be leaving you guys alone if they are setting you up for danger." Klaus says

"They don't know I'm a siphoner unless they have been stalking me for years because I rarely use my magic and if I do it's for a lab spell back at the school." Josie insisted

"I'm coming too." Lizzie says

"Aren't you suppose to be with Cleo and Matthew finding out where they are around the bar?" Hope asked

"Matthew never showed up, and Cleo went with her fiancé after we got into this big argument of who's the hottest mikaelson." Lizzie rolled her eyes

"And who did you say was the hottest?" Hope asked as Josie rolled her eyes

"That's for me to know.." Lizzie crossed her arms.

"It's obviously hope." Josie murmured before walking off

Lizzie smirked because everyone heard it..and that was Lizzie's plan along, she hadn't had a fight about who's the hotter mikaelson but if she's gonna spend her weekend looking for her niece why not get the parents of her niece together?


They stopped the locator spell.

"You got it?" Josie asked

"Yes." Hope eyes glowed

"What is it?" Klaus asked

"I know this place....this place me and Matthew use to go to when we were kids" Hope says as a tear left her eye

She couldn't believe this..well she could but she didn't want to be right.

"So who's going to be the new godfather then Josie ?" Lizzie asked

You can count on Lizzie to steer up more steam.

"YOU MADE HIM OLIVIA'S GODFATHER!" Hope grew more mad over time.

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