Three|| "Are you trying to kill my sister?"

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It's been about 3 weeks now and Josie is growing to like Stefan, not that she hasn't before but she's getting more use to her whole mom fake stunt.

Lizzie had got with Sebastian and the whole thing for mg went downhill.

"What you need Is someone else." Josie says

"Me? You still haven't dated anyone in the past 2 years or so." Mg protested

"Your point?" Josie crossed her arms

"You haven't dated anyone in that long and you are trying to tell me what my life is" Mg playfully rolled his eyes.

"All I'm saying is that you should move on from Lizzie and I don't need anyone right now.. all I do know is I need to lay down, I'm feeling light headed."  Josie says as she laid down on her bed.

"You have been light headed all week." Mg says

"Yeah I know, thanks captain obvious" Josie rolled her eyes

"And more grumpy than usual...are you hungry?" Mg asked

"How is that even a question?" Josie rolled her eyes

"Mm, me, Ethan, maya, and—"

"I don't care what you are going to say, as long as it has maya in it the answer will be and always will be no." Josie groaned

"Why? Can't you just give her one last chance?" Mg asked

"Because I won't." Josie says

"You didn't even hear her out." Mg says

"I don't need to hear that backstabbing bitch out." Josie says

"Okay you know what, let's go get you something to eat." Mg says

"Good idea." Josie says as she went to get up she almost fell back down but Mg vamped to her and caught her

"Damn jo, are you on drugs again?" Mg asked

"I was never on drugs...I'm just light headed and tired...but I'm really hungry so can we go get something to eat?" Josie asked

"How when you could barely stand up straight" Mg says

"Well that's because I'm not straight.." Josie rolled her eyes as she fell back down and mg put a tighter hold on to her

"You know what, how about you rest and I will go get you something to eat." Mg says

"Good idea" Josie says

"Okay, what would you like?" Mg asked as he laid her down next to Josie's teddy bear she always had since a kid

"Umm pickles with fruit roll ups and tajin" Josie smiled

"That's disgusting" Mg says

"Just get it for me." Josie says

"You are so fucking nasty." Mg says

Josie glared at him.

"Okay, 2 pickles, 2 fruit roll ups because your fruity and 1 thing of tajin coming right up" Mg says

Josie just smiled and rolled over on her side

It ached when she rolled on that side so she put a pillow in between the bed and her side

It last for only a few seconds before she started moving around again.

Josie groaned and got up.

She couldn't take her nap like she wanted to, she couldn't even find one spot for her to lay down not one spot at all.

Immortal childOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora