Twenty-five|| "Tell me something I don't know, will ya?"

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Hope was the first one to wake up.

She looked all over everywhere to see what was going.

When she got up all she heard was the cries of Olivia.

She could see the light creeping in from the window, by the light she can tell it was damn near the afternoon, if not it was probably already the afternoon.

Hope slowly walked over to Olivia and picked her up.

Olivia diaper was loaded and Hope knew she needed to change her before she got a rash or worse.

"I'm sorry livy.. you're the one who knocked us all out." Hope sighed

After changing Olivia, Josie started to stir awake.

"What's going on?" Josie asked

"Olivia is having a magic break down and we need to get her that magic bracelet ."

"What magic bracelet ?" Josie asked

"It's something I used as a baby, it was used against witches and we can protect Olivia with it" Hope explained

"Okay, well then I will do everything in my power to get that bracelet" Josie assured

The rest started to wake up.

"What's going on?" Rebekah was the first one to ask

"I think that maybe we need to get our daughter out of here" Hope says

"What are you talking about?" Josie raised her eye brow

"The more our little girl is down here the more it will fuck up her life" Hope explained

"You were born and raised mostly in New Orleans, you turned out perfectly fine" Rebekah crossed her arms

"I beg to differ" nicolas says as he got off the floor

"I don't know hope, I was planning on going back to mystic falls and maybe me and liv can live there" Josie says

Rebekah eyes widen,

"Everyone out!" Hope says as she stood looking at Josie

"Everyone better get the hell out" Rebekah says

And without another second they started leaving out.

"I'll take liv if you need me too" Cleo buts in

Hope slowly handed Olivia to Cleo.

Once Cleo was out of sight Hope started to shake her head.

"I don't care how big and bad of a wolf you are that you even have your parents scared of you but I'm not them and I'm not scared of you hope" Josie crossed her arms

"Josie I love her" Hope says calmly

"Okay but-"

"That's my own flesh and blood" Hope shook her head

"I know that-"

"And I hate when people try taking my family away" Hope looked down at her hands

"I'm not going to yell at you because you don't deserve that..and I know my stupid no humanity side was the one to say I didn't want liv but you can't hold that against me when you know damn well I want to be there for my daughter, Our daughter" Hope sniffled

"Hope I wasn't trying to take Olivia from you but she can't stay here"

"And that's why I'm giving up everything for a life with you both" Hope admits as she stepped up to Josie

Josie could barely get her words out

"W-what?" Josie eyes widen

"I want to be a family with you and I want us to raise our little girl together and not you trying to be some single mom" Hope smiled down at her hands

"I think maybe...maybe we got a house 5 minutes away from here" Josie suggested as she turned around from hopes face.

"But you said-"

"I said we can't live here, as much as I love your family I don't think that staying here is a good idea, when we can have our own house" Josie chewed her bottom lip

"Really?" Hope eyes light up

"Yes" Josie simply said before Hope picked up her from excitement

"You make me so pissed off and happy at the same time" Hope smiled

"Don't worry, same goes for you" Josie says before Hope put her down

"You also need to talk with maya" Hope cuts in

"What do you mean? I already talked with her and we are on good terms" Josie admits

"You never really asked her about that thing with finch, I'm going to find finch and I'm going to kill her but you need to let be known to maya that you care" Hope tried explaining

"I do care-"

"Talk with her, promise me" Hope says

"I promise" Josie says

"Good, now I think we should spend time with our daughter, she's growing taller by the minute" Hope smiled

"You are truly whipped! No one else has been able to escape mean and Hope buy Josie does it with no problem, what bloody sense does that make?" Henrik asked

"I have you know..I have a talent" Josie smirked before she left out of the room

"You convinced her didn't you?" henrik asked

"I have no idea what you are talking about" Hope grinned

"You reversed it" henrik says

"As I said before, I don't know what you mean" Hope walked pass henrik

"You made it seem like it was her idea when it was your idea in the first place and now she's moving with you down the block and you are happy that you successfully done it" henrik smirked

Hope turned around

"What's your problem uncle rik?" Hope asked

"No problem what so ever, I just want to know how you do it" henrik shook his head

"I'm my fathers daughter, ask him" Hope says

"I think you are lying to yourself my  littlest wolf, I've never said or did a such thing" klaus stood at the door

"Sure, sure" Hope shook her head

"And it was easy to get over with Hope, because it was Josie" klaus says

"What does that even mean?" Hope asked

"It's because you are in love with Josie" klaus smirked

"That wouldn't even make sense, I mean I know I want to take things to the next level with her and show her the world, and be there for her no matter what and- Oh my fucking gosh...I'm in love with Josie" Hope came to realization

"Tell me something I don't know, will ya?" Henrik rolled his eyes

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