Nine|| "You just can't stay out of trouble, can you?"

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It's been a month since Josie and Hope last talked, Hope was thankful for that.. Josie not so much, The longer and farther Hope is from Josie and the baby, The more pain Josie goes through, Josie will admit it's great not having to have Hope trying to kill her left and right but she always felt a need for her. Besides the pains josie has been going through, she has been doing better, her mother knew about the pregnancy as well as her sister, lizzie. Josie was still having trouble telling her father. How do you even do that? Hope on the other hand has been on a war page, She has finally fought her humanity off. Hope killed an estimate of 100 people a day.. Just for fun and food. The lives meant nothing to her, Not one bit. Her family tried turning her humanity back on but it was no use, by this time she was long gone, and this is why her family stooped to the lowest level.. Josie.

"Hey sis, that's like your 15th yogurt" Lizzie jokes. Half joked.

"I'm getting fat" Josie says

"You are not!" Lizzie sighed before walking to sit on the couch next to Josie

"You are not even showing yet" lizzie pleaded "I feel so fat.. I can't stop eating and throwing up" Josie groaned

"It's going to get better, I can call up freya and-"
"NO!" Josie denied the help
"What why? Her and hope could-"

"I don't want any help from them" Josie pouted

"But that's your baby momma and baby momma's aunt! They are bound to help you" Lizzie rolled her eyes

Caroline nor Josie told Lizzie about No humanity hope, They never even brought it up after Josie got back from her little vacay.
"Have you even told dad yet?" Lizzie asked

"No.. I couldn't" Josie murmured

"You couldn't or you won't?" Lizzie crossed her arms

"I love you lizzie but sometimes you just need to mind your own damn business" Josie stated before getting up from the couch.

"I'm only trying to help" Lizzie groaned as she slouched on the couch. "Morning girls"

Alaric walked down the stairs

"Morning dad"
"Morning" Josie winced at the pain that decided to happen when she walked by her dad

"Are you okay?" alaric asked

"Yeah... yeah of course, I just ate too much yogurt" Josie lied-ish

"Tell me about, you gonna gain all that weight and get fatter" alaric joked He shouldn't have said something like that. Josie shot over to Lizzie who was furious.

"JOSIE IS NOT FAT!' Lizzie enhanced her voice

"It's fine lizzie-"
"IT IS NOT FINE!" Lizzie yelled

"Stop raising your voice at me!" alaric argued

"Rather my voice or my fist?" Lizzie got up and walked over to both josie and alaric

"Listen, you can't really see Josie as a skinny type anyways, I was just pointing out the obvious" Alaric advised

"I think I should go lay down.. You guys are giving me a headache" Josie breathed as she suddenly felt dizzy

"What's going on with you and all these new and extra mood swings? Are you pregnant or something?" Alaric laughed it off before walking into the kitchen.

"It's okay lizzie, really I'm f-fine" The room started spinning again

"Let's get you to your room before I have to kill our so called father" Lizzie mumbled


"Please, I have a wife and kid, and I don't want to die" some old man nagged

"You owe me money" Some guy says as 2 other men held him to the alley's dumpster

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