Chapter 39: Charlie's Last Stand Part 2

Start from the beginning

"I'm not letting you go that easy." Dolly grunted as she held onto the ropes but her grip was starting to give way... Dolly and Charlie looked on at each other with dire looks as Charlie looked back down to see fire starting to enter the elevator shaft.

"Dolly this clearly isn't going to work."

"No it has to we gotta get you out of here."

"Dolly don't you see, you cant hold me up by your self."

"I'm not letting you go."

"Dolly you need to let go!"


"Look around us, you can't hold me up and fire is rising down below not to mention the car above is starting to lean more in!"

"But we need you!"

"I KNOW!" Charlie yelled as he looked away the sounds of explosions could be heard around then as he looked back up, "You need to let me go."

"What no, no I'll never let you go we can make it out of here!" Dolly said.

"Dolly it's best for you to go I'm weighing you down you need to let me go!"

"No I won't, I can't, I don't want to!" She yelled as tears started to form in her eyes.

"Dolly, look at me." Charlie said as Dolly looked away sniffing, "Look at me." He said again getting her to look at her, "I know this is scary to process, but you have showed me that you are capable of handling yourselves."

"No no, we can't live without you, I can't live without you, things won't be the same without you!" She cried.

"I know but..." Charlie winched at the pain he was in, "You need to be strong."

"No please..." She choked on her words as the tears started to blind her vision.

"Tell Da-Vinci I loved her, tell everyone I loved them."

"We loved you too, all of us."

"I know." Charlie said quickly reaching into his pocket and pulled out a knife he had on him and cut the rope, Dolly watch in horror as Charlie plummet down.

"CHARLIE!" She screamed as she was pulled hard flying over the Dalmatian Mobile which started to to lean in more. Charlie felt his entire body pushing against gravity as he fell staring up at the car and to see Dolly fly over the car, soon giving a smirk as he was reminded of something.

"Superman." He said as he closed his eyes ready to take the impact.

landed on the top deck, where all of her siblings along with Fergus, Percy Hunter, Big-Fee, Sid, Summer, and Spike who quickly ran over and nuzzled Dolly who nuzzled back.

"Are you alright!?"
"Are you alright?!" Everyone asked in jumbles as the sound of screeching metal can be heard behind Dolly, the Dalmatian Mobile slid the rest of way down and fell to the bottom of the elevator shaft causing a major explosion which rocked the entire ship causing all of the animals to stumble for a bit, soon a bunch of helicopters flew over them shinning spotlights onto the wreckage.

"CPD, Stay Right Where You Are!"


The sky filled with smoke as firefighter's did their best to put the fire out, Delilah and Doug waited desperately to see their pups, once the rescue team managed to help the animals off the ship all the Dalmatians quickly ran over and tackled Doug who immediately cried with joy, Delilah quickly ran over and nuzzled Dylan, Dolly and Da-Vinci.

"Oh my Dog your okay!"

"We're fine mom, we're all okay." Dylan said as they looked over to see many soldiers getting arrested and put into paddy wagons, two police officers carried a cage with Cruella in it.

"You cursed pups you have not seen the last of me, I will have my revenge I will!" She swore as she was thrown into the back of the paddy wagon and drove away.

"Well we won't be seeing her for awhile." Dylan laughed and looked over to Dolly who was staring off at the ship, tears were streaming down her face, "Hey now that I think about it, did Charlie make it out?" He asks, soon everyone looked at Dolly who was trying her best from breaking down.

"Don't worry Dolly, like you said he can handle himself, he'll be back, right?" Da-Vinci asked Dolly hoping she would back her up.

"No... he's not coming back." She answered.

"What you mean he's not coming back?"

"HE'S DEAD OKAY!? HE DIED... He died to save me, he... he died because of me." Dolly screamed at everyone tears broke loose, "I had him in my hands, then he sacrifice... sacrifice himself for us..." She started to choke on her words as other pups started to tear up, "He... he wanted me... t-to ..." At this point she could speak she just cried, cried and cried Delilah quickly ran up and nuzzled her trying to calm her down, Triple D huddled up to each and whimpered, Delgado had his head down in shame as some tears fell, Dizzy and DeeDee quickly latches onto Hunter who tried his best to calm them down, Dylan looked back at the ship and just stared at the ship.

"N-no there's no way, it's Charlie, he could never die, there has to be explanation." He said trying find hope but Dawkins pulled on his collar.

"Dylan judging by the amount of damage that was caused I don't believe he would survive." He said with a heartbroken tone, Dylan looked on in disbelief as tears started to fall from his face, but the worst out of all of them was Da-Vinci, poor Da-Vinci her entire heart shattered at the news, she completely went limp as she started to cry.

"Da-Vinci I'm... I'm so sorry..." Dolly cried as she looked over to Da-Vinci but noticed she was gone, "Da-Vinci?" She called out.

"Wait where did she go?"
"Da-Vinci!" The pups all called out but no answer back. To Da-Vinci she didn't know what she was doing, she didn't know what to think, tears streamed down her face as she ran, running to who knows where, all she knew was Charlie's gone and never coming back, her whole life her love for Charlie shattered, her glow was burned out completely she just ran, ran as fast as she could to anywhere, soon stopping at the canal where Da-Vinci for the first time laid eyes on the love of her life, her future mate if it was possible, was it wrong for a dog to love a human, it's a weird kink that's for sure but Da-Vinci didn't care about that right now, all she sees is that her love one is gone.

"Why, why, WHY?!" She screamed in anger as she laid down near the edge of the canal balling her eyes out, her heart was completely broken, "W-why did you... you have to go?" She whispered as her voice cracked and grasped with tears streaming down her muzzle and cheeks, she just laid there crying as a foggy mist took over the land.

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