🌹𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟑 | 𝐑𝐮𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐥

18 1 1

Koyuki's POV:

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Koyuki's POV:

I'm on the track, for my 10,000m relay race. I sweat profusely, worried about when I have to start racing. I look behind me, and just when the track curves due to its oval shape, I see Hajuki in position, giving me a warm smile.

That's when it hit me. I have people backing me up. Everyone in the same lane as me is in this with me. If we lose, we lose together. If we win, we win together. There isn't a sole person who is the reason for the whole team's loss or win. But we have to take accountability for our actions. 

And anyway, I have trained a lot with our teacher and the others, went over tactics and so on. I have already expressed accountability for my pace to the team of 5, and they said it was fine. They'll figure out a way for it. So why am I so worried? No idea.

And I have Kimiko with me as well, I can practically hear her screaming me and Hajuki "Good luck" from the sidelines since she can see us from the cameras. The first games will start 5 minutes after everyone is sat down in the stadium, each in their respective colours. Everyone is wearing a bib, for our colours, and underneath is our t-shirts and shorts. 

Now, the stadium is 3/4 full, we're still waiting for some of the blue team and the whole purple team to arrive. Well, as Kimiko once said, "Always run like there's a hot guy in front of you, and a creepy guy behind you,". Weird words. Wise, but weird words.

I look at the opposing teams. All of them are from some sort of athletic team, may it be hockey to actual archery. Then there's me, a member of the photography club. But, no matter. I came here to win, nothing else. 

Even if we walk out of this stadium with no medal around my neck... I'll be fine. After all, it's the effort that counts. I look at the stands, to see everyone is sat down, and the timer went off already. In a minute, the gun will go off, and I'm about to have the time of my life.


The gun goes off, even when I knew it was going off, it still made me flinch. The first person ran, while the rest of us (apart from the second person) ran to the centre of the track, which is just a green field. I had no idea why we were on the track in the first place, maybe just for show, but it's making us look stupid. 

The second person in each team went forward, to where the first person was standing, so that the first person will actually run 400m. Kakashi, the first person in our team is currently 2nd place, just short of the green team. I could hear loud cheers and clap from the green team, with the purple team screaming in encouragement. 

Blue team just overtook yellow team, making them 4th place, and red team 3rd. There's a big gap between purple and red, so I'm not too concerned about that. What I'm concerned about is how will we manage to overtake green team?

It wasn't too long for Kakashi to pass on the purple baton to the second person, Sasuke. He's the Captain of the track team, so it wouldn't be a shocker if he came out third. And I was right! Sasuke managed to overtake green team! 

Roars from purple team escaped while we could hear disappointed gasps from green team, encouraging them to go on. Now, I had to go on the track. I was nervous, but it was now or never. I still watch the relay go on even when I was walking, and stop when I'm in position.

It was going well... too well... something bad is gonna happen... 

And so I was right, Sasuke tripped on his own two feet, twisting his ankle! He laid on the ground for a few seconds, a few crucial seconds, while he got up and continued running. The people were shook, even people from other teams were worried about him. 

"Is he okay?"

"Damn, get up, Sasuke! You can do it!"

"I hope he'll be alright,"

"He needs to finish it. Otherwise, Koyuki has to finish his round, and her own, or the whole game will be delayed, or even terminated!"

His running got even slower, and I could see the pain in his face. Not long after, green team took over him, and soon blue team, making him 3rd place. And now it was my turn. As soon as I took the baton, I said, "Be okay!" really fast, so fast I doubt he could understand what I was saying. 

I jog, not a fast one or not a slow one. I am still very behind blue team, and I know for a fact that yellow team is closing up on me. So, I ran faster, trying to shake yellow off. Now, I'm halfway between blue and yellow, trying to pick up the pace. I can hear Hajuki encourage me, by screaming with the other members of my team. 

It gives me motivation, and I push forward. Now, I'm just below halfway through the track, and I can see the next runner, Naruto in my lane. I can feel the sweat pouring from my forehead, my breathing becoming heavy, and I slowly become more tired as the steps go by. And soon, yellow team overtook us, making us fourth. 

I pace on, trying to forget that I'm tried, force my legs to take control, and run, run faster than ever before. I manage to tie with yellow, and I slowly make my way to pass them, giving all of my strength in this final push.

Miraculously, I'm just behind blue team, and I can hear her panting heavily, which throws off my breathing as well. And now, we're breathing at the same time. I try to take the advice of the Captain, one he said to me yesterday.



"If you feel as if something is throwing you off, close your eyes, just for a few seconds, and find inner peace. That way, you can forget about everything, and focus on finishing the race,"

End of Flashback:


So, I close my eyes, keeping them open a bit so I can see, and I calm myself, forgetting everything, the tiredness, the cheers and boos from the people in the stands, the contact from my feet to the hard floor, everything. 

I open my eyes, to see that blue team is nowhere to be seen. That's when I realise... I overpassed her! I stretch my arm out, with the baton in hand, and pass it to Naruto. As soon as the baton left my hand and Naruto was sprinting away from me, I collapsed, my body hitting the cold, hard floor. 

It wasn't long until a pair of arms picked me up and walk away from the track.

"You did great, darling,"

[03/04/2022]Probably my best chapter up to date not gonna lie

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Probably my best chapter up to date not gonna lie. If only I had that motivation with some of my other chapters...

♔𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐄𝐓𝐒𝐔 𝐀𝐂𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐘 | 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 | 𝐊𝐍𝐘♔Where stories live. Discover now