66: Callie

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Didn't proofread. Hope we don't mind?

Thanks to jueka1brightyeolie, and amiva0402.



The gentle chatter swarmed the library as others lingered around after school hours, cramming for an assessment and studying for an exam with the help of various peers and teachers.

Flynn was already there before me, seated in the corner of the library with his books out and ready.

As I wheeled closer, he immediately looked up at me, a soft smile taking hold of his face, causing my heart to flutter.

Don't, Callie... Don't.

Pushing right up to his desk, I made sure to take the seat facing him instead of next to him. Because being right by his side was stirring all sorts of old emotions I was trying to forget. Earlier in maths, consumed in his familiar orange and sandalwood scent, I struggled to stay focussed on the issue of helping him.

"So where should we start?" I asked, avoiding his gaze that I knew was already dissecting every crevice of my being, making me squirm inside... but not in the same way that the other boys did.

It's dangerous, Callie... boys are dangerous. And that's why we are in this library in the first place instead of inviting him over again.

"I don't even know," Flynn said back, finally pulling his eyes off me and to the textbook. His fingers began to thumb through the pages, seeming to not really search for anything. "I only just scraped a pass on the last exam, so I think I missed a chunk from the last term which is why I'm even more behind now."

With a slight nod, I opened my own textbook to the very first week of last term and said, "Well let's start at the beginning then."

"We've only got two weeks," he said in a small voice.

"And we have maths class for independent study and an hour every day. We will get there, don't stress, Flynn."

His eyes still danced with worry, but he forced a smile onto his face. "I do have the best tutor."

Ignoring his statement even though my heart was throwing a party in my chest at his evident tenderness towards me still, I turned my attention back to the book and began to dive into the work.

In the end we studied for almost two hours. Almost every other student had left the building at that point and some of the teachers were starting to give us wary glances as if to say, 'Will you go home so we can'.

But eventually I decided it was time we called it.

Closing up my book and packing up my things, Flynn began to mirror my actions, all the while casting me many glances.

As I began to push myself out of the library, I was overly conscious that Flynn had slowed his steps to keep pace with me.

And as we put our belongings into our bags, it was clear he was waiting for me as he threw his backpack on, making no indication to leave.

Throwing my bag on my lap, I pivoted my chair to begin pushing towards the front entrance and, just as expected, Flynn started to move... as though it were natural to walk by my side.

"So..." he started as we came within a few steps of the front of the school. "Who is picking you up?"

"No one," I muttered back, already starting to push onto the footpath, ready to wheel home.

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