44: Callie

66 7 41

Some answers...


When I woke the next day, I immediately reached over Lexi for my phone. Flicking on the screen, I was hopeful to see a text.

But my phone was blank.

Lexi stirred in my arms, blinking an eye open to look at my screen. "Still nothing?" she yawned, snuggling into me.

"Nope," I whispered, heart calming down from its racing beats, but that familiar sting coming to my eyes.

"Maybe he will be at school today," Lexi offered, still trying to force her eyes open to the day.

"Maybe," I said back, though I had my doubts.

Nonetheless, eventually we both climbed out of bed and got ready for school.

I looked like shit. There was no way to say it nicely. No amount of makeup was going to bring the swelling of my eyes down after all the crying.

And the small part of me still hopeful that I'd see Flynn's brilliant smile today wondered how much he'd laugh at me for crying over something so insignificant.

But as we climbed out of mum's car, the front of the school yard was free from Flynn.

And my first two sessions were Chemistry and English—also classes we did not share. Though Lexi had HPE with him.

It was risky turning my phone back on when the teacher wasn't looking in Chem. Nonetheless, Lex promised she'd text me if she saw him.

After my phone confiscation yesterday, I was on a last warning. Mum or dad would have to pick up my phone this time if it was taken again.

But it didn't stop me.

Flicking my screen on, as discreetly as I could, I pulled it from my pocket.

Swiping open Lexi's message, my heart pounded in my chest, making its way to my throat.

"And?" Sara whispered ever so quietly to me, keeping an eye on our teacher.

He's not here, the text read.

Holding the off button, I went to slip my phone away, shaking my head at Sara.

But I was slightly too late.

"Callie Peterson-Williams!" my chem teacher scolded, causing the hairs on my arms to stand up. "You know the rules. Phones should be off in class."

"I was just turning it off, Miss," I quickly said, pulling it out to show her, pressing the volume buttons to demonstrate.

But she shook her head. "You showed me it was off on the way in. So how was it suddenly on?"

"I think I bumped it," I said, but I was the worst liar. We all knew.

She held her hand out to me and I reluctantly handed it over.

All the while my heart whispered, what if he texts...

His table was empty at first break. No Flynn. No friends. No family.

And again, it was empty at second break.

Then when I entered maths, he was nowhere to be seen.

Once school was out, I headed straight to the office to collect my phone. But, as expected, they refused to hand it over, stating they had notified my parents and they would pick it up—though not until after work. Which would be after the school office closes, meaning mum wouldn't be able to grab it until tomorrow morning.

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