20: Callie

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Here, have another. But now I'm back to one a week unless I can find the enthusiasm to write more.

Thanks amiva0402 , brightyeolie and jueka1

Hopefully this chapter sucks less than last... but no promises.

~Didn't proofread~


While of course Flynn and I shared smiles and glances at lunch time, on Tuesday I didn't speak to him until final session: maths.

He didn't have a reason to walk with me to class this time considering it was only around the corner from where we sat at lunch and I was bound to show up on time. 

Nonetheless, as the bell sounded, he mulled around talking to his cousins until they trudged off gloomily to class—whether they actually went, who knows. 

And then Flynn sauntered over to me.

Standing right by my side as I got to my feet and slung my bag over my back, I raised an eyebrow at him.

"What's up?" I asked when he said nothing and continued to stand there.

"Waiting for you," he said simply with an obviously gleam to his gaze.

"Why?" My eyes narrowed.

"So we can walk to class together."

"But it's just—"

"I want to walk with you, Callie," he said, a touch of annoyance seeping into his tone—which seemed to contradict his claim, but I didn't press.

Because, at that admission, there was nothing else for me to say. 

So I rounded my bench and began trekking along to class, all the while Flynn kept pace, not saying anything, but staying by my side.

Stop it heart, I hissed as it began to jump for joy in my chest. You're making me worry with how you keep reacting when he does something nice. We're just friends, okay?

But unfortunately my heart did not have ears.

When we rounded the corner to maths, it was hard to avoid the questioning stares on us. While our peers had probably shrugged off Flynn sitting next to me in maths yesterday as a result of us both coming in late, his decision to sit by my side in bio and also walk with me to class today had certainly gained some attention—especially Jackson and Zac who Flynn normally sat with.

We put our bags on the rack and grabbed out our equipment, joining the line as we waited for Miss Fischer to arrive... and even then, Flynn stood next to me.

Jackson, who was in front of us, turned around, eyes flickering between me and Flynn.

"What?" Flynn asked, noticing his behaviour.

"Are you two..." While Jackson didn't finish his statement, he didn't have to. Because we both knew what he was implying.

To my relief—and my heart's dismay—Flynn said, "We're just friends."

"Hmm... okay," Jackson said, eyes narrowing as he seemed to not believe us. But thankfully Miss Fischer turned up and we all forwarded inside.

Halfway into the maths lesson, a bump into my side had me looking over at Flynn. His gaze was on his book, but the paper was moved to the edge of his desk, a note scribbled into the corner.

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