"Ho Ho not bad boy, but let's see how you handle this! Zeus declared before turning on a dime and going for a kick. "Divine Axe!" Zeus declared with Ares smirking from above. Say goodbye to your lower half human." He warned only to gasp in shock when Izuku's legs suddenly slammed in to it stopping it in an instant! 'What?!" Zeus thought his eyes going wide. 'When did he?' He questioned only for their eyes to widen further when blood burst from his chest as two slash wounds suddenly appeared on his chest.

Zeus immediately jumped as gasp of shock and horror ran through the god's section at seeing their king suddenly bleeding while Zeus placed his hand over the new wounds on his chest covering it in blood before bringing it up to stare at it in shock in confusion before looking over to Izuku about to demand just how he did it when it became readily apparent just how the human cut him so suddenly.

Zeus immediately jumped as gasp of shock and horror ran through the god's section at seeing their king suddenly bleeding while Zeus placed his hand over the new wounds on his chest covering it in blood before bringing it up to stare at it in shock...

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"Tho-Those are swords! Swords are sticking out of Izuku Midoriya's hands!" Heimdall commented while Izuku smiled down. These were actually his Bone Blade. A technique from the Bone-Bone Fruit, which allows him to produce and manipulate bones from his body. Smirking Izuku shot forward using Shave to appear behind Zeus and deliver several large gashes across his back. Zeus immediately spun around to delver another Lightning fast punch only for Izuku to once again and pierce his blade into the gods' arm until it was sticking all the way through before shooting forward causing a massive cut on Zeus' arm.

The god tried to kick the boy now thinking he had him trapped only to hit nothing but air once again as Izuku leapt into the air before piecing both of Zeus's shoulders and jump down dragging him blades along with, digging deep into Zeus's shoulder before jumping back to avoid Zeus's kick.

"Unbelievable! Izuku Midoriya is craving Zeus up and the king of the god is unable to do a thing to stop it!" Heimdall shouted with the humans cheering on their seemingly unstoppable champion.

"Man that kid always seems to have a trick up his sleeve!" A guy said to his friend who nodded. "I know those bone swords are super freaky, but they seem to be working much better that whatever that weird poking thing was earlier." He laughed with his friend soon joining in until he heard a snort. "Fools you have no idea how dangerous those strikes are." Turning confused the two turned to see Stain being the one who talked still watching the fight. "Oh yeah, and how would you know?" The second guy I asked causing Stain to snort. "Because I got hit with it once." The two were shocked to hear this, understanding now that this guy was from the same world as Izuku and must have fought him before.

Sensing this Stain sighed and talked quickly. "Look long story short he and I got into a fight, the why isn't important but after after he landed a single on those strikes my entire right arm was paralyzed."

Line break.

"His entire right arm?!" Denki shouted having been told along with the rest of those unaware by Shoto and Iida about where they had seen Izuku preform that move before. "Yeah, Stain went to stab Izuku only for Izuku to grab his hand rise his arm and strike him right under the armpit, he couldn't move so much as twitch it for the rest of the fight." Shoto explained. "Okay so is it part of his quirk or something?" Denki asked only to hear a chuckle from behind him.

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