...is Drawn to the Bitter...

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However, Izuku woke up. This was truly like his catchphrase, a nightmare he couldn't wake from. He wanted peace. He wanted to be back with his mother, goddamnit! There was nothing for him back in the world. So why was his body stirring? Did my plan fail? Did Jirou go back on her word to me? Was I wrong about the state of the damage? Opening his eyes, however, made all of his fears wash away... because he was not back on Earth. Instead, his eyes revealed a new place. One that was unnatural, that didn't make sense, yet still existed, it's alien, Euclidean geometry dazzling the senses. The sights were starting to cause a headache... so he'd have to fix this as soon as possible. Sitting up, the boy found that he was in a bed, fully rested.


He was going to get out of the bed when the doors opened automatically, revealing a tall, slender woman, dressed in ornate robes, and devoid of all color except in her eyes. Her wings rested behind her, just as Jirou's new wings did. Immediately suspicious due to the similarities... and the existence of All For One, who could have found a way to get back at him for his betrayal. After all, he remembered those who would leave him behind to rot in Tartarus. Narrowing his eyes, he asked. "Who are you?"

Apparently, his host was not humble in the slightest. She smiled, and lowered her head respectfully, before stating, "I am known by many names. Creation, Goddess... it's up to you how you want to call me."

He couldn't trust her. Not yet. But... if she was being honest with him, maybe he could find out more? With caution in his voice, he asked, "Where... am I?"
Continuing with her calm and even voice, she stated plainly, "You are in my realm, Requiem."
"Why did you wake me?" He glanced out a window, to see floating islands above a perpetual sky.

"Because you didn't deserve what you were dealt." He looked back at her, and there was sincerity in her eyes. The first time anyone besides Allmight had ever said that to him, and it was this person, one who he didn't know, who said as much. However, her intentions were crystal clear, as soon as she said the next sentence, or start of one. "I can give you another chance..."

"No." He wanted nothing more to do with his world. Anything else would just be a risk for disaster. And... it was clear that she was going to use him, somehow. He could tell.

However, it was clearly not what she wanted to hear. An eyebrow arching, and an annoyance, for being interrupted, leaked into her question. "No?"

Izuku gave his reasoning. If he went back, as is, he would just cause a whole number of problems that he just solved. The world didn't need that. "If I go back, then my sacrifice... my plan... means nothing."

She nodded in understanding, calming down from her annoyance. "I didn't mean for you to go back as Nightmare. Besides, your plan worked. You have nothing to be afraid of..."
He turned to her. "Still... No. My quirk is too powerful, and they need to move on... I need to move on."

She narrowed her eyes, and alarm bells rang in his head. She was not getting her way, and was getting, well, not angry, but irritated that he was being stubborn. Not a good sign, considering she had all the power here. So, she hissed at him, "What if I didn't give you a choice? I will be sending you back, as guardian of your world. A vassal, under me. If you don't do what I want... I can make your world crumble... forever."

Fear gripped his heart at her words. She was saying: Work for me, or else I upend everything you spent the past year trying to accomplish. That he did accomplish. "I don't have a choice?"

Calming down, she whispered to him, her sweet, honeyed voice reaching his ears. "I'm not going to control your every move, I only want you to live your life properly. Do what you want, dream your dream anew. Do this... and I will guarantee your world's protection. Just make sure, when it's time, to pay your dues..." Her smile wasn't charitable anymore, but wicked in tone. It hit him why she had immediately caused him to be wary. 

She was like All For One, but with a beautiful exterior, contrasting her bitter proposal. A Deal with the Devil. It was a choice, but at the same time, it wasn't. Resignation laced his voice, "Very well..."

Clasping her hands together, she smiled naturally, pleased with his decision. "Excellent!" SHe did pause for a moment, before reassuring him, "Don't worry, you'll look like you do now, not the half-machine Nightmare you were before... Sweet Dreams..." His eyes went heavy, and he was forced to close them yet again, this time, to a now waking Nightmare.

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