To Shatter the Spirit...

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The next day, Dabi was left in charge of the four main prisoners. The rest of class B was given over to an individual only known as "the doctor", it was sure that he would have fun with their quirks, or, failing that... he didn't want to think about it. To be honest, Izuku didn't like the man at all, not just because his misdiagnosis cost him his entire childhood, but also because what he was doing was just... wrong. On so many levels. However... that wasn't his concern. Nightmare was currently checking in to see how those new test subjects were doing. While the Doctor's experiments were barbaric stitching together of people... Izuku's was far more elegant, and definitely more humane, at least from an outside perspective. He had his own hobbies, but Dabi didn't really care what they were. He helped him get a portion of revenge against Endeavour, and that was more than enough to earn his respect. He still wanted him dead, but that was a move for another time. Toga whistled, watching the camera feed with him. "How are they doing???"
Dabi reported, taking a sip from the hot apple cider he brought with him. "Not badly, all things considered. I wonder why he wanted these brats?"
His arrival was silent but not unexpected. They didn't jump, because they had a lot of experiences working with that. "I want them because they have potential... You kept them together?"

The pyrogenetic villain gestured between the two cameras. "Besides our rooms, we only have 2."

That was reasonable. "Right. I will begin. You can watch from here."

Dabi smiled, and stated to Toga's enthusiastic nod, "Don't mind if I do. It's fun seeing you at work."

Smiling, Izuku put on his mask, and walked to the first of their holding rooms...

Allmight waited outside the interrogation room. They had been unable to take Nightmare's mask off, but he was restrained with quirk cancelling cuffs. He couldn't do anything here... not that they realized that they had been played yet. Detective Tsukauchi arrived, and nodded to him. They entered together, to the doppelganger's amusement. "Ah... A-AllMight... and... a Detective-ive... what are y-you w-w-wanting to kn-know?"

The plain detective began with a simple building block. "What is your name?"

It smiled, knowing that, unlike its creator, this being only had one name. One that would infuriate the man who asked. "Nightmare."

Unfortunately, For Tsukauchi, it rang as truth, but that wasn't what he was looking for. Everyone in the room knew that much, but they wouldn't be getting to the truth with this one. "Your real name."

And so, he told them the truth. They didn't understand it yet, because the being had been able to hide it as best as possible. "I-I am what-at I am... and I-I am a n-nightmare-are..."

Knowing that the nightmare wouldn't budge, they pressed onto another point. Why was he doing what he did. "What do you want?" 

Of course, the being in the chair didn't have a clue what his creator was after, but he did have a message that the real Izuku wanted him to send. "D-do you kn-know what happens wh-when a child is-is scorned b-by a village?"

While they both were familiar with the proverb, they wanted to hear what he had to say, so they feigned ignorance. Glancing between each other, Naomosa replied, "No...?"

"Th-they will burn it all d-d-down to feel it-its warmth. The League accepts th-the sc-scorned..."

Their blood froze when they realized what he meant. Remaining silent, the beast leaned forward, eager to inflict more fear in its remaining time. "D-Do you kn-know another th-thing?"

For the first time, Allmight spoke, asking with a quiet voice. "What else are you going to tell us?"

"D-do you kn-know what happens when y-you place q-q-quirk c-cancelling c-cuffs on a q-quirk?"

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