The Status Quo

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Allmight, the world's number one hero, was pushing himself to his limit. There was a dangerous villain, and it was his responsibility to catch him. So, as he chased the villain, his efforts hindered by the fluid nature of the quirk, the blond could hear a struggle up above. Soon enough, he found the manhole that led to the surface... "Hah, you think you can escape me?" He could hear the struggle become more erratic up ahead, and leapt up, bursting right through the grate. "FEAR NOT, FOR I AM HERE!" To his horror, the sludge villain, the one he'd been chasing, held a kid hostage. The boy was clearly struggling to breathe, and it did limit his options... but he could use a shockwave to blow away the villain, releasing the kid from his grip. "TEXAS SMASH!"

The trickiest part about this villain was his liquid form... but that came with a cost. He needed to maintain a certain amount of viscosity... and if anything, Allmight's punches were powerful enough to break that very viscosity. The villain tore apart, cursing the hero with his final breath, before the boy dropped to the ground.

Quickly acting on this advantage, he picked up a random bottle, a piece of rubbish tossed aside by a litterer, and scooped up the villain into it. Unlike anti-quirk cuffs, this would do the job, even if it wasn't sanitary. After the blond man did so, Allmight approached the unconscious kid, and shook him gently to try to wake him up. His first response was to slap him to wake him up, but then he remembered his hero training. Careful to keep the airway clear, the hero waited patiently. The breathing was stable, and he was otherwise unharmed... at a glance. The more he observed the boy, the more concerning features he saw.

His eyes were closed, but there were deep pockets of grey underneath, indicating a distinct lack of sleep. The dark emerald colored hair was unkempt and matted, as if he didn't care for it, or didn't have the ability to.

That didn't disturb the hero, however. What did was the state of his school uniform. It was battered, with a burnt patch on his shoulder. It looked fresh. Questions started to form in his mind, but the ever present time limit on his power wass rapidly approaching.

Despite this, his unconscious form looked... peaceful. Not knowing how long it would take, he deactivated One for All, and sat down on the sidewalk.

However, when the small, green haired boy slowly started to wake up, the blond man scrambled to power up. Once he gained consciousness, the young man looked around rapidly, for signs of the villain, before seeing the hero. Once he looked up at Allmight, his startling emerald eyes wide with recognition. He whispered a name in reverence, the hero's name. "Allmight...?"

With a booming, confident voice, the man puffed up his chest as he confirmed what the boy's eyes saw. "YES, IT IS I, ALLMIGHT! ARE YOU OKAY?"
Flinching to the loud voice, Allmight's concern rose further as the boy looked away. "Yes... unfortunately..."
Shocked, the hero could not ignore that. It'd be against who he was at his core, if he let a suicidal kid go. "What do you mean by 'unfortunately'...?"

What the boy said next horrified the man, far more than most things he'd seen in his long and storied life. "I was hoping you'd catch him after I died... that way everyone gets what they want..."

Shock laced his voice. Normally boisterous, concern for the young man's mental state was all that occupied him at the moment. "Y-you want to die?!"
"Yes. I'm useless." he picked up his notebook, then started to walk away, "I shouldn't keep you from saving people, Allmight... have a good evening..."
Unable to let him go without knowing more, he had to know one more thing. "Before you go, can I know your name?"
In response, the boy said both the most disturbing, and most informative thing all afternoon. "Why would you want to know the name of a quirkless failure?"
So that's why he thinks that... I'll look into him as soon as I get to the police station! Gathering his voice, the blond boomed. Less than normal, but still enough to cause the boy to flinch slightly. Another concerning sign. "Because... I'm concerned for you."

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