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Tenko Shimura thought of plans to catch that miserable brat, Nightmare, and how to put an end to Master... no, All For One. It seemed that he had replaced him with Nightmare, as he didn't even attempt to free him from this prison. Even though... the students here, as blinded by heroes as they are, didn't look down on him. They weren't dismissive... and even welcoming. It was a bit of a shock, to be honest. Especially the pink one... Ashido. She had a quirk very, very similar to his own, but instead of outright destroying things, she created a substance to do so. If he could empathize with anyone... it'd probably be her. Hell, she was even the most positive to him, and tried to reach out. Completely backwards to the heroes he knew.

Due to this... he was mildly curious about that 'circus'. If she had been inviting him to it, it was probably a group bonding activity. Taking out his new phone, with a shell designed to have many different, separate plates so that his quirk couldn't destroy it... besides that, it was provided by Eraserhead, and by Proxy, UA. It was certainly a marvel of technology to waste on someone like him. It was strange, he had been coming to terms with the fact that he deserved to be treated well, and that heroes actually helped people. Every one here did.

Thoughts aside, when Tenko saw the poster, he could not believe his eyes. Thoughts running a mile a minute, he cursed inwards, I'd recognize that haircut and outfit anywhere! It may be different colors, but that's definitely Nightmare! And he's running a circus?! It's obviously a trap! I have to alert Eraserhead!

Dialing as quickly as possible, he succeeded. The phone didn't make it to a second ring when the Erasure hero picked up his phone and answered. Surprise laced his voice, probably because he figured Shimura would never actually use it. "Yes, Problem child?"

Tenko tried to explain by using context here, "Your class went to a circus..."
But... the man didn't let him finish. "So? You want to go?"
Nearly Growling, he snapped at the man, wanting his message to get through his thick skull without getting interrupted a second time. "It's a trap. Nightmare is on the ads for it."

Horror crept into his voice. "Is he really?!"

"I'd recognize that messy haircut and general outfit anywhere. I wouldn't lie about this. They are headed into a trap."

"Can you try to text them? We need to alert them as quickly as possible! Thanks for the warning." The fact he received a thank you was more than most people, he supposed.

Nevertheless, he didn't guarantee his success. Covering his own neck, he stated, "I will try."

The hero hung up without another word. Still looking at his phone, he pondered what he should do. Hm... Ashido was the only one who bothered to ask. She's been the nicest one to me... I'm going to make sure I alert her...

Class 1A made their way into the tents and to their assigned seats. The theater was packed full, and everyone was excited. Class A speculated on what could be in the performance, as they had yet to see any animals, or the main troupe themselves. Before long, the ringmaster, wearing a suit of sparkling gold, with a black tie and matching top hat, appeared in the center of the tent. You couldn't see his face due to the distance from the audience, and the lighting. Aoyama was impressed. "He is twinkling so much!"

The ringmaster's voice boomed, clear as the night sky, and twice as punctual. "WELCOME, ONE AND ALL, TO OUR CIRCUS TONIGHT! I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE OUTER TENTS FIRST!"

Everyone in the stands cheered, including class 1A. The outer attractions were spectacular, with plenty of games, tricks, and funhouses to be found. Izuku recognized the UA students in the crowd and continued. "I HOPE YOU WILL ENJOY THIS DISPLAY TONIGHT! I AM HONORED TO BE GRACED BY THE FUTURE HEROES FROM UA!"
The spotlight instantly highlighted where they were. His grin was sinister, despite what the everyone could see. He was far away, after all. "I KNOW THAT YOU WERE ALL INVOLVED IN THE RECENT VILLAIN ATTACK, SO I WOULD LIKE TO PUT YOUR WORRIES TO EASE FOR AT LEAST ONE NIGHT!"

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