The Fall

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The next day, Allmight drove him to school while in his power form, to try to de-incentivise bullies. However, this had the opposite effect, everyone became jealous of him. He could hear the voices, constantly complaining. Of jealously, unable to understand him. How could a quirkless kid, the lowest of the low, possibly gain the attention of the number one hero? His peer's thoughts were clear to all, especially as he passed by them in the halls.

"How come you get to be with Allmight?"
"You don't deserve him..."
"You'll never be worth it..."

Due to this, he just kept to himself as the day went on. Something terrible was going to happen, and there was no point in making it worse. As he went into the cafeteria, in order to get his food,  there was an interview with Allmight on the TV used for announcements. It was basically a waste of money, but, when the top 10 were interviewed, it made for an excellent way to raise morale. Eventually, the interview turned to the latest gossip regarding the number one hero: that he adopted a quirkless kid. It was a fast spreading rumor, after all. The Aldera principal made sure of that. Izuku's heart froze as the man asked what the green haired boy had been asking himself all day: "Aren't there so many other, more deserving children who you could have adopted? One that isn't a burden...?"
Allmight tried to laugh it off, but it was clear that he didn't like where the conversation was going. His voice was terse, something he never usually did. The interviewer himself was nervous about the whole affair as the number one hero stated. "You call him that, but know nothing of what he has gone through..."

However, it was clear that the man had an agenda, or perhaps the news station did. Izuku did know that people had become more and more anti-quirkless the longer he had been alive. Some radicals even believed that people like him didn't even have souls, just because he didn't win the genetic lottery. Considering the wars around the Dawn of Quirks... it was terrible how quickly the pendulum swung . "But he will be useless, right?"
Allmight did a half defense. And the way he worded it shattered the green haired boy's heart. "No! He may be a burden, as you call it, but he reminds me of why I do what I do. Helping those who don't have the power to help themselves. And that is what the essence of being a hero is."
At this point, all eyes were on him. Allmight himself just stated that Izuku Midoriya would be a burden. All because of his lack of a quirk. Izuku began to tear up, before full on crying, all the while thinking to himself, I knew it... of course I'm useless, even in his eyes...

At the end of the day, as he packed up, Bakugo stopped him in his tracks. "You still thinking of going to UA, useless deku?"
He was silent, still trying to find something, anything, to focus on that could be positive.
Annoyed by the lack of response, the blond actually said something that might be seen as helpful. "Hmph! You know, there is a way for you to get another quirk..."

Hearing that, the greenette looked up at him. There was already little hope left in his heart, and his eyes didn't express it. With a flat tone, the boy meekly asked, "... and what would that be...?"

"Take a swan dive off the roof. You'll get one in the next life!" The trio of bullies laughed as they left the room for home, leaving Izuku befuddled... and now, completely hopeless.

It was then that he came to the realization that Bakugo Katsuki was right. There was no space for someone who was quirkless, who had nightmares deep into the night, with nothing that could possibly be done to save him. It would be a good thing for everyone... With little thought for Yagi's true feelings on the matter, he tore a page from his notebook, and began to write. Words cascaded from his shattered heart, as the boy wrote and wrote, specifically two letters, one to Bakugo, apologizing for all the trouble he gave the explosive boy, and one to Allmight, to apologize for wasting his time as a burden. Carefully, the listless, now suicidal boy folded it into the shape of a rose, placed it on his desk, and slowly left the room. There was nothing left to be done at this time, as he wandered through the school, looking for the way out. The way up, up to the roof. Finding it, the boy was both shocked, disappointed, and not at all surprised to see that the door was unlocked. The world is helping me so much in this... the only time it makes it easy is when I want to die. Striding to the edge, he looked past the short fence, and over the city. So many bright lights clashing with a sunset. It was beautiful, standing here, on the ledge, but a black, grim type of beauty. All the world wants is for him to suffer, alone, without anyone. Mother died so I could live... but that wasn't what the world wanted. The world would rather have her, than me. If I do this... everyone will be happier... It was then that he stepped forward and fell, content that he had made everyone else happy... just like a hero should...

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