The Final Plan

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Reiko Yanagi watched from her flesh-bound prison as Izuku created nightmares by the 10s, and they then slowly shuffled off to their assigned jobs. He seemed exhausted after their creation, but continued to push himself further, and further. What could he want from all of this? Why make so many? Why attack that student's parents?!

Whatever he was after was enough to make him exhausted from the effort, and so she used this as her time to try. While she couldn't even think to strike at him, she could ask a legitimate question. "What was the point of all of that? The fear caused? The deaths of two innocent people?"

He looked at her, and smiled slightly. This wasn't filled with malice, or utlerior motives. In fact, it seemed... releived, that she could still have her own thoughts. It didn't make sense to her... but Nightmare did answer her question. "I don't like killing, that's true. But this is necessary."

"Why?" After that simple, the floodgates were opened. What he told her, made her eyes go wide. Such a twisted mindset... how could the world do that to a person? It' needs to change... or it will crumble before him...

Jirou entered Nezu's office. Her eyes were still a little red from crying, but she had emotionally detached herself from them to be able to go to this important meeting. The first person to speak was... Allmight. His expression was saddened, and he didn't have his trademark smile. "Ah, young Jirou... my condolences for your loss..."

Trying to keep her composure, the violette found it incredibly difficult to do so. Voice cracking, she tried to play it off, "It's... fine..."

Aizawa interrupted her weak response, shutting it down. "No it's not. You have been scarred by this. Wounds like this will never truly heal. My only question is: what will you do?"

She glared at her teacher. Before, she didn't really care about his harsh attitude. Sure, he threatened to expel others, but it was never aimed at her. Now irritation lined her voice just like it did her teacher's on a daily basis. "I'm going to defeat him. He thinks he can crush me, but I have nothing to lose."
Nezu, on the other hand, tried to placate them both, but appealed to his student's desire for justice. "We were hoping you would tell us how you consistently beat his nightmares? Clearly it's not through a lack of emotion, otherwise class B student Reiko Yanagi would have been immune. You already know this, but Fumikage Tokoyami's quirk was turned against him. To be frank, your quirk gives no advantage. So I ask this: Why does he see you as special?"

That made Jirou pause... as she thought for a moment. However, nothing came to mind. "I don't know, sir."

"We'll figure it out... but for now, you're considered our biggest asset until Nightmare is detained. We don't know if he intended to kill you, or if he really wanted your parents... All we know is that you are his biggest worry. And so when the time comes, I hope you will be ready."

The heroes tried to stop the fear he was spreading through the random attacks, which forced them to ignore the large fortress being built to the north of Tokyo. It was a large structure, with only one main gate. The villains did the best at their assigned task, but didn't know what Izuku was thinking... until Dabi found his plans left in the open, when he was searching for him.

"NIGHTMARE, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!?" All of the League stopped relaxing when they heard their resident arsonist in an unnatural state of fury. Considering they were on good terms with each other, it was completely unlike him to be this angry. There had to be a reason.

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