The Finale

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Opening her eyes... she was right before a set of large, wooden doors. Looking back... there was nothing to go back to. While there didn't seem to be any nightmares so far... there was little that could be left to chance... especially where her eyes couldn't pierce. Taking a deep breath, Jirou remembered: This was real. Stepping to it... and pushing the two apart... she found a large grandiose hall, illuminated by light filtered through stained glass. Statues of each of the League members, before the assault stood resolute, in poses presumably fit for their personality. The only ones absent, of course, were Allmight's nemesis and Tenko Shimura. A carpet led from the door to the other side... and to a throne.

On the throne was her most hated enemy: Nightmare himself. The one who attacked her multiple times, who shoved her insecurities in her face at the USJ, the one who ripped out Aoyama's quirk, and tormented many more without remorse. He had much to answer for... even if it was clear that the villain was expecting her. Nightmare spread his arms wide in a gesture of good will, although she could see the clawed gloves clearly. What surprised her the most was the fact he took off his mask as he did so, allowing her to see him properly for the first time. His curly black hair, his robotic eyes with glowing red irises, his childish face... he was her age, no doubt. He was smiling, not of malice, but a genuinely kind, yet sad and resigned smile, which did not fit him at all in Jirou's opinion. "Welcome."

Crossing her arms as she walked forwards, she asked, eyes solely focused on her target. "So what did you want to talk about?"

The boy spoke plainly, without the distortion. She wasn't sure if it made him creepier or not. "What happens after I die."

That alone stunned Jirou, causing the violette to stop and stare. Even her voice failed her, as she couldn't comprehend what he just said. He expects to lose? "W-What?"

Placing his hands on the armrests, he pushed up onto his feet. Stepping closer, he gave his reason, with little emotion in his voice. "I know the path I wrought for us all would force us to conflict. But I'm not doing it for the reason you think."

Sarcastically, the violette spoke to him, not giving the benefit of the doubt. To be fair,  he had done a lot. "Then please, tell me."

He didn't react to her sarcasm, just explaining calmly and rationally. It was almost like she was speaking to a robot, or a calm Aizawa. "You think I'm a psychopathic monster. That's fine, I don't much care for how I look to people anymore... but one thing is certain to me. Heroes are losing their way." The ravenette paused, allowing her to digest the information. "No hero was there for me except Allmight... but even then I was still... vulnerable. They try their best to look amazing for the camera, just as a celebrity might... hell, there is a hero named Captain Celebrity. Look at Mt. Lady's debut. Stealing credit while Woods stood in the background dejected because he wasn't in the spotlight. A hero shouldn't be that kind of snake, and I wanted to be a hero."

He made some legitimately good points, but scowled at the last statement. "Then why do all of this if you wanted to be a hero?"

He sighed, and looked pointedly at her, "I never could, Jirou. As I showed you, I had no choice in the matter... especially not after how broken I became. But..." He held up a clawed hand, to stop any rebuttal. "...I could still help shape the future. If I couldn't be a hero to rally behind, then I'll be the evil they will be forced to confront, the dark mirror that shows them they need to improve, and become what they're called. Heroes."

That was all well and good, and did fit his twisted mindset... yet... one thing still bothered her. "Then why target me? Why choose me to be the one standing here, instead of Allmight, or Bakugo?"
His answer surprised her, "Because you are the best candidate to be a perfect hero. You have the right spirit, morals, will, and judgment to do what must be done." Yet again, Nightmare paused, before continuing, "Remember the USJ? You stood your ground. You overcame your fear. And again at the Fallfest, and yet again when you walked to Fredbear. You have something many do not." After taking a deep breath, he stated, "Defeating me will elevate you to high distinction, and people will follow your example, to prevent a future me from being necessary. Only a true hero could rise against the nightmares as you have."

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