Set Up for Crescendo

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Class 1A waited for their homeroom teacher to arrive. When he did, he went straight into announcements, not even wasting time with a hello. As per usual, one would argue. And there was good reason for that, unknown to them. "Right, there is important news today. We have a new student from the Villain Rehab course. Come on in."

There were whispers about such a course. Since when did UA rehabilitate villains? Why were they affected by this, and who would it be? When the silver haired boy entered the room, nobody recognized him, but his hair color was familiar. The smarter ones, however, noticed... that he seemed to recognize them, with bitterness. Aizawa told the man, "Introduce yourself."

"My name..." He paused, choosing his words carefully. " Tenko... Shimura."

Mina asked, hand raised, just wanted to be safe in what she knew. "You're a part of the villain rehab program?"

He seethed at the class, his voice barely contained the venom he had for heroes. "The only reason I am is for revenge. I don't care about any of you, so stay out of my way." 

Aizawa curbed the threat, and told him, "Just take your seat."

"Tsk... Whatever..."

The rest of the class didn't reply as he walked towards them, past them, and to his seat. My completed the class without an issue. 

In the cafeteria, Shimura was alone. He tried to get food, but another loud blond from a different class bumped into him, making it spill. He didn't really care, but it was the fact that he couldn't do anything that infuriated him the most. The rest of 1A was jovial, happy (- Bakugo), but he couldn't think like they do. How could they possibly understand his life? His motivations?

The blond, Katsuki Bakugo, and one of the few names he cared to know, was more interested in him. The reason why was obvious. Him and Nightmare had a history, and the blond wanted answers. "So, you were the commander at the USJ?" Everyone at his table looked at him like he was mad. I mean, they knew he was captured, but they wouldn't put someone who is an active threat to them... with them... right?


Tenko glared at him, but sighed. As it turned out, that was exactly what they did. Everyone was shocked by what he asked next, "I was. How did you figure it out?"
Bakugo's breakdown made him bristle, as it was very similar to "1. Your hair is distinctive. 2. Your skin is just as bad as when I saw it. 3. You're the only one captured, and 4. Your attitude."
After the first half of the day, he knew that the guy couldn't be serious about that last part. "You're one to talk."
Ignoring that, Bakugo leaned in close. "I just have one question. Who is Nightmare?"

The villain could almost hear the desperation in his voice. Oh... if he told him... but no, if there was one thing he didn't do, it was stop others from getting their vengeance. "Only the Master knows his name. I don't even know."

Shoulders' slumping back, Bakugo leaned back, frustrated. 
Tenko, on the other hand, was far more interested in this reaction. "Is this about the angel he made you see?" He knew it to be the case, but feigned his own ignorance. It'd make things easier, in the long run.

After a moment, the blond gave in. "... yes."

"While I don't know his name..." The former villain started, his quirk allows him to see and direct other people's nightmares and fears. Project them into reality, where they can hurt others. They seem to have minds of their own, and live off off fear."

"I see..."


Toga waved to him, as she entered the room. Skipping over to him, she handed him a sheet. A list of names, provided by Giran. "Izu! I brought new friends!"
Carefully examining the list, and comparing the notes to the people she brought in with her, the masked boy approved of them. To Toga's delight, as she lay down on the booth next to him, wanting to use his lap as a pillow... to his mild annoyance. "Well, let's see the roster... Magne, her quirk will be useful, Spinner, Great pick, Mustard, interesting, could be useful..."

Each one was surprised about the compliments... and by how he didn't even attempt to dislodge the hyper blonde. "I didn't think you'd be like this, Nightmare..."

He took off his mask, showing them his real face. Yet another surprise to add to the pile. "I am who I need to be. And now, I need more helpers as soon as possible. Besides, we have a trap to set, and a show to run. Go see Kurogiri for your assignments." He grinned. "Welcome aboard."

One Week Later

Class 1A was chilling in the dorms, added to UA recently due to the... recent incident. There was nothing to do during the weekend, however, and most of them lounged in the common room. Tenko Shimura, their recent guest stayed in his room, still not comfortable with the others yet, even with all of their attempts to warm him to their presence.

Denki pulled up an ad on his phone... and wanted to share the potential whole class activity. "Hey guys, there's a circus coming to town."
Momo agreed, although tentatively. She had heard the rumors, and also heard of circuses that used abhorrent treatment of animals. "That could be... enjoyable."

Todoroki, meanwhile, asked out of curiosity: "What's a circus?" There were a few laughs... but when he continued to look serious... well, it died down. 
Jirou was disbelieving, that he wouldn't know what something as well known as a circus was. After all, everyone knew what they were, because western media had them as important as a festival. "You... you don't know?"
Still confused, "No...? Does it have soba?"
Kaminari laughed, and stated, "Oh my god, Todoroki. It could."

Meanwhile, Katsuki remained silent, not really wanting to refuse anything, but still present, at least.

Iida asked, approving of Kaminari's suggestion. "I think we all should go! It could help us bond as a class!"

However, Bakugo asked the question that everyone else was afraid to. Or, most of them. "Should we invite Shimura?"

They all remained silent afterwards. It's not like they didn't like him... but he was... difficult to deal with. He made his stance clear: He's only in this for revenge against those who wronged him. Very to the point and on the nose... and he didn't try to get along with anyone else... and even pushed them away with his words on more than one occasion. That and he did try to kill them a week ago. Mina, on the other hand, looked around, before stating, "Seriously, you guys? I'll ask him."

Sero sweat dropped, looking at her like she was mildly crazy. "You sure? He was the one that tried to kill all of us!"

"We have to try." That was all the pinkette stated before turning and leaving the common room. Mina paused before begging the ascent, hearing the others talk, some worried that she might get hurt. Please, we know he can't hurt us willingly. Sighing at that, she went upstairs to Tenko's room. Hesitating, she held her breath and knocked. His scratchy voice , "What is it?"
"We wanted to ask you if you wanted to join us if we were to go to a circus?"
There was hesitation, before he replied with a soft. "... No." It wasn't an outright rejection, not like he was at the start, but... felt like it was not his place to join. Even villains can change... just like I thought!

Undeterred, she decided that pushing it wouldn't help, but still showing kindness would. Her classmates had their hearts in the right place, but they were a little too... fearful at the moment. "Well, you can always join us if you want."

After another pause, his voice, still quieter than usual, actually thanked her. "Thanks for asking."
Shock lined her features, before she broke out into a wide smile. "No problem! If you need anything, just let us know!"

Silence was all that greeted her, but she didn't expect anything else. Even getting him to talk politely was a spectacular development! Grinning, she strolled downstairs and reported that encounter to them. Even with that change, most still didn't trust him. Kirishima nodded, appreciating Mina's actions, while Sero commented, "Well, at least he's becoming a little nicer."

After a half an hour of preparation... Class A left for it in half an hour, leaving Shimura behind.

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