Pyrrhic Victory

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Bakugo and the rest of Class 1A were solemn. Todoroki was distant, and wouldn't talk about what happened during those few days, while Tokoyami was transferred to general education with quirk suppressants. They had rescued him, with the rest of the students... well, most of them. Reiko Yanagi from Class B wasn't found. Unfortunately, though, like Yuga, he couldn't be a hero. Not anymore. He explained why as he moved his gear out of his room. "I can no longer support you all... he turned Dark Shadow against me, and... and..." He teared up, a rare sign of emotion in the normally stoic kid. "I'll give Aoyama your regards."

Tsu, one of those who were closer to him, stated, "We'll all miss you, Tokoyami, kero..."
With a somber tone, he didn't look back. "Do not worry about me... just... bring that monster to justice."
Uraraka promised for him, not sure if he could hear it as he rounded the corner. "We'll try."

Izuku, gleefully, clapped his hands together. "Alright everyone... now that we're free from All For One's shackles, and Allmight is gone, we must press the advantage!"
"What do you mean, AFO's shackles?" While Dabi didn't care about the man, he did care about the fact that he was seemingly controlled by him. He trusted Izuku to tell the truth now.
And he did, "All For One was wanting to control what the League did... use it to regain control of the nation, and perhaps the world, given enough time. He puppeteered Tomura as a surrogate for himself, since he was wounded and all... still not sure what he really wanted out of him, to be honest... and now he wanted to trick me. Well, he's in Tartarus now, and I have no intention of letting him go. Now that he is gone, we can go in the direction we want to... what do you all want?" He looked around to his companions. The people he recruited, asking for their opinions.
"A better world... free for us to live how we want."

"That has always been my goal... but I couldn't act with that snake lingering above me. So!" He planned aloud, and everyone was motivated. "With the information at our disposal, the most important thing is to destabilize the society. Dabi, Twice, Spinner, and Kurogiri, your target will be the Hero Commission. If Hawks arrives to stop you, capture him, and take him to this location." He gave them a set of co-ordinates, and Kurogiri acknowledged it. After all, his quirk would require the memorization of these co-ordinates. His photographic memory would make it a trivial task to move him, it was just about containment, first. "It is away from our base, and Kurogiri knows the spot. Hawks takes priority if he arrives."
Dabi grinned, "Understood boss man."

Nodding as they left, he turned to those remaining. "Thanks... Toga, Magne, Compress!"

The blond skipped over to him, to Reiko's displeasure. She ignored the ghostly girl. "Yes?"

His orders were simple... yet with clear purpose. "I'll need your acting skills in order to find out more. I want you to look into the shifting criminal underworld. Who is doing what, and how."

She grinned, already licking her lips for the blood she'd get. "On it!"

However, "What can I do?"
He was genuinely touched by this loyalty. She was like a dog, completely and utterly fierce... but she couldn't... shouldn't be used for criminal activity in this mindset. She was bent to his will, after all. It's terrible to be trapped in your own mind like you are. I can feel your inner conflict. I'm sorry that my curiosity did this, but for now, you must stay as you are... that being said... I will try to keep you safe. "Reiko... there is nothing I need you for quite yet. I just don't have a job... except to protect me as I do my work. It will exhaust me, leaving me nearly defenseless."

She nodded. While her body and face were obediant, it was clear that her eyes did not reflect her loyalty. He honestly didn't expect them to. "Alright."

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