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"no! Jungkook, you motherfucker! why'd you kill me I'm on your fucking team!" Hoseok whined, dropping his controller in his lap.

Hoseok held his ear piece closer to his ear, gasping at Jungkook's response.

"because you wanted to?! fuck you man!" Hoseok yelped, pouting at the tv screen.

"Hobi baby.." yoongi mumbled, kicking his legs back and forth as he watched Hoseok play his video games.

"Can you calm down please? I'm trying to write some lyrics over here, and you're not helping me spark any great ideas. All I here is 'fuck' 'shit' 'you killed me!' 'fuck you!'" Yoongi complained, laughing a bit.

"Yeah Yeah, sorry honey." Hoseok muttered, returning to his game.

"Thank you." Yoongi murmured, clicking his pen and beginning to write again.

"oh shit! Jungkook to your left!"

Yoongi groaned, rolling onto his back. "Holy fucking guacamole." He mumbled.

He got up off the bed, placing his notepad and pen aside. He walked over to Hoseok's gaming chair, lifting the headphones off Hoseok's head and taking the controller out of his hand.

"wha- babyyy I was about to get back at Jungkook!" Hoseok complained, pouting.

Yoongi sighed, turning the console off and setting the objects on Hoseok's desk. "if you're not gonna be quiet, then no console at all. Kk?"

Hoseok's pout remained.

Yoongi giggled. "Plus, I want some attention too! not fair that your ps5 gets all the love." He pouted, mimicking Hoseok.

Hoseok laughed. "Fiineee, get over here gummy bear."

Yoongi smiled, straddling Hoseok and sitting in his lap. He let Hoseok wrap his arms around him and pull him closer.

Yoongi loved the feeling of Hoseok's embrace. It was one of the things that brought him most comfort.

"soo.." Hoseok started. "Can iii...get back on?"

Yoongi groaned. "no!" He muttered, kissing Hoseok's cheek. "It's yoonie time."

"But bubbaaaa..Jungkook's waiting!"

"Well then text him and tell him that it's yoonie time!" Yoongi smirked, placing another kiss on Hoseok's cheek and then laying his head on Hoseok's shoulder.

"meanie." Hoseok pouted.

"I am not!" Yoongi argued.

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are not!" Hoseok smirked.

"Are too!" Yoongi paused.


"Wait." Yoongi gasped, flicking Hoseok on the forehead. "Cheater cheater pumpkin eater!"

Hoseok laughed, pinching yoongis flushed cheeks. "it's called having game sweet heart."

"unfair game."

"is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Is not!" Yoongi giggled.

"Is too!" Hoseok thought for a moment. "Wait no-"

"HA! You got played in your own game!" Yoongi snickered, jumping off Hoseok's lap and doing a victory dance.

"fine, whatever. You win!"

"hell yeah I do. Min yoongi always wins."

SOPE WORLD - (oneshots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora