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(American football btw)

The sound of a whistle was heard, the team running to the bleachers and grabbing their water bottles.

"Nice job team, tomorrow we have have a game Alright? Do exactly what you guys did today at practice and we'll win for sure." The coach spoke, opening a bin of snacks and setting it on the bleachers for the boys.

They all grabbed a snack, eating it quickly.

"Am I picking you up as usual smalls?"Jungkook asked, looking over at Yoongi as he ate his snack.

Yoongi ignored the nickname and shrugged. "Only if you want. My Eomma might have time before work to drop me off,"

"Damn, your mom has to work on the weekends? That sucks." Namjoon commented.

Yoongi hummed. "I know, but it's whatever."

"You starting to like football a bit better?" Jungkook questioned, holding his helmet against his hip.

Yoongi shrugged. "I still don't really like it. I should have picked a different sport to be honest," he retorted, rolling his eyes. "I literally have no motivation to be here."

Namjoon patted Yoongi's shoulder. "You should've been a cheerleader. Seems you don't have motivation for a lot of things, you alright hyung?"

Yoongi looked down- once again ignoring the shit his friend said, nodding.

"Nah he's not, he's still upset about Jimi-"

"Jungkook." Yoongi interrupted, glaring at him.

Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck, a sheepish smile placed across his lips. "Sorry Hyung,"

Yoongi sighed. "Whatever..I'm just- gonna go get my stuff from the locker room."

The two nodded, letting Yoongi do as said.

He walked to the locker room, bumping into someone while doing so.

"Hey watch where you're-" Yoongi paused, the guy holding a dry expression on his face as the two made eye contact.

"Watch where I what, hm?"

Yoongi gulped, looking up at the guy as his face heated up. It was Jung Hoseok, by far the best player on the team.

He was tall,surprisingly smart, which wasn't common for all football players, and my god was he handsome.

Actually- not even handsome. He was more than that.

He was surreal.

Sharp jawline, beautiful brown eyes, fluffy brown hair, a very nice body, and according to some of the cheerleaders, he was really..'big'

"Well? You gonna answer me or what-?"

Yoongi widened his eyes, looking down. "Sorry-I-..uhm— never mind!"

Hoseok raised an eyebrow. "Why are you so shy all the sudden, hm?" He asked, coming closer.

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. Who did this dude think he was.

"I'm not shy."

"Mhm, sure. Keep telling yourself that." Hoseok muttered. "Oh and also,"

He was silent for a moment.

"A body like that belongs in a cheerleading uniform, not a football uniform. I'd love to see it some time," He murmured, winking and walking away.

Yoongi's eyes widened, looking down at his body. He gulped, running to the locker room.

Actually- on second thought.. maybe becoming a cheerleader wasn't such a bad idea.. 

"What do you mean your quitting the football team?!" Jungkook yelped, laying back on Yoongi's bed.

Yoongi shrugged. "I talked to some- ..people, and I figured it would be best if I tried out some other activity." He explained, looking at all the different clothes in his closet.

"Ah, here it is." Yoongi muttered, pulling out a old uniform that his sister Yoonji owned when she used to be a-...


"A cheerleading uniform? Oh please tell me you're not gonna try out for the cheer team-" Jungkook muttered, squeezing the bridge of his nose.

Yoongi pouted. "What? What's wrong with it, I think I'd make a hot cheerleader." He exclaimed, smiling proudly as he held the uniform up to his own body.

Jungkook hummed. "Not that you wouldn't, I just don't think it's right for you- ..there's a lot drama and shit."

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Have you met my family? I'm pretty sure I'll be alright with a bit of drama." He paused, stripping so that he was only in his underwear.

"Ayo- what the hell are you doing man-" Jungkook mumbled, covering his eyes.

"Putting this damn thing on you perv." Yoongi replied, slipping the short skirt and top on. He then looked in the mirror.

"Holy shit Hoseok wasn't lying. My body really does fit in a cheer uniform. Glad he convinced me into this." Yoongi mumbled, twirling around to see the full outfit.

Jungkook removed a finger, peeking out and looking at Yoongi. "Oh damn, not bad....wait- did you say Hoseok?!"

Yoongi looked over at Jungkook, nodding. "Yeah? What's the matter?"

"Oh my fuck- Yoongi, you do know he's hooked up with like- all the cheer leaders? He probably said that so you would join the cheer team and then he could fuck you too," Jungkook explained, sighing.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "Still don't see a problem with that," he muttered, Jungkook's eyes widening.


Yoongi shrugged. "That wouldn't be bad at all."

Jungkook gulped. "Whatever you say smalls-" he paused. " might need some shorter underwear or sumn cause like- that short skirt and them boxers don't look too nice together.."

Yoongi took a box from out of his closet, opening it and pulling out something.

He showed it to Jungkook, smirking. "Won't be a problem."

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