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"Hyung..?" Hoseok called, entering the room he knew Yoongi would be in.

Yoongi didn't respond, him just sitting in front of the piano and staring down at its dusty, white, keys.

Hoseok sighed, sitting next to Yoongi on the stool. He placed his head on Yoongi's shoulder reaching for his hand.

Yoongi stayed silent.

"Yoongi..I'm gonna be okay." Hoseok murmured. "I'm gonna live!" He sadly exclaimed, partially lying.

Hoseok was indeed going to live..but his expectancy was only for a few hours

Maybe a day if he was lucky.

He could pass any second now.

Yoongi raised his head a bit, glancing over at Hoseok. "Really..-?" He paused. "Hobi you're gonna live?" He questioned again, a smile forming on his face.

Hoseok now felt guilty, but he didn't want to ruin Yoongi's small amount of hope he was still holding onto, so he just continued the lie.

"Yeah.." Hoseok mumbled. "Do you-..wanna go hangout somewhere? Like—..the fair?"

Yoongi pouted. "'re sick.."

Hoseok shrugged. "I could last until evening.."

Yoongi softly smiled, nodding. "Okay.."

Yoongi laughed, biting the other side of the piece of funnel cake Hoseok had bitten into. It was like the scene in "Lady and the Tramp" where they both take a bite of the spaghetti.

Although, unfortunately, no kiss was involved.

Hoseok checked his watch, gulping.

Shit it can be any second now..

Wait no.

Don't think about it Hoseok. You're supposed to be spending your last few hours with Yoongi Hyung.

Why without his family instead, you ask? Well, simply because Yoongi had been there for Hoseok more than his own family ever was.

Yoongi was the source of Hoseok's happiness.

Despite Yoongi's shell, he was kind, passionate, loving, funny, and thoughtful, although he might not show it.

Hoseok was very grateful to have him.

"Hobi? You alright?" Yoongi asked, placing his hand on top of Hoseok's.

Hoseok returned his attention back to Yoongi, him nodding. "Yes Hyung, sorry.. just- overthinking."

Yoongi nodded. "It's gonna be okay hobi..remember? We can spend our whole life together like we promised each other now! Despite your sickness, you'll get better and we'll live happily ever after!" He explained, laughing at the last part.

Hoseok sadly smiled, him nodding. "Yeah..I'll-..always be here for you. And you know where to find me.."

Yoongi nodded, leaning over and kissing Hoseok's cheek.

Hoseok blushed, looking away to hide it.

"Aww, hobis blushinggg!" Yoongi cooed, pinching Hoseok's cheeks as Hoseok continued to blush uncontrollably.

Hoseok stood up grabbing the plate and throwing it in the bin. "Just- c-come on. Let's go and play the claw machines."

Yoongi agreed, following Hoseok.

"I challenge you to a claw championship!" Hoseok exclaimed, wanting to make some fun out of the hours he had left.

Yoongi scoffed. "Game on, your goin down!"

They ran to the machines, feeding their money in and getting started.

So far, Yoongi was doing pretty well, getting one animal on his first Try.

"Take that hobi!"

"Heyy, no fair! You must've practiced." Hoseok complained, continuing to play.

He missed a couple times and won a couple times, then gradually winning tons of animals.

Yoongi fished in his pockets feeling no more spare money to spend on the claw machine game. "Damnit, I spent all my loose ones on this damn game."

"Same," Hoseok muttered holding a pile of stuffed animals in his arms.

Hoseok looked at the animals, remembering he would have to keep them anyway. "Yoongi Hyung..?"


"Here.." he gave him a small kitten plushie. "Just-..for memories, ya know?"

Yoongi giggled. "Why a kitten?"

"Cause it reminds me of you.." Hoseok explained, smiling sheepishly as Yoongi laughed.

"Whatcha gonna name it?"

Yoongi thought. "Hmm..I think-..hope."

Hoseok raised an eyebrow. "Oh really, Why?"

Yoongi shrugged. "Well-..I've just been hoping to myself so much these few weeks that you would get better and would be able to..always stay here and be by my side! worked. So-..hope just kinda means a lot to me now I guess.." he explained, blushing as he looked down.

Hoseok smiled sadly.

"Yoongi-..there's something I need to tell yo-o-.." Hoseok was interrupted by a sharp cough, him holding his chest tightly.

"Hoseok? Are you okay?" Yoongi asked, gently grabbing Hoseok's hand.

Hoseok coughed. "Y-Yeah I'm fine Hyung.."

"No, No, let's get you home.."

Hoseok's eyes fluttered opening, him struggling to keep them open.

"Hobi? Oh my,'re awake.. are you okay?" Yoongi asked, cupping Hoseok's cheeks gently.

Hoseok gulped, shaking his head.

Yoongi frowned, climbing in the bed and laying his head softly on Hoseok's chest. "Does this bother you-?"

Hoseok blushed, shaking his head and reaching for Yoongi's hand.

Yoongi then looked up at Hoseok, caressing his cheek. "Are you really gonna be alright hobi..?"

Hoseok sniffled, tears coming to his eyes as he shook his head left to right.

Yoongi's frown deepened. "Y-You're not..?" He paused. "What do you mean.."

Hoseok sighed. "Can you-..just lay here with me for the night..? You'll know in the morning, okay?"

Yoongi gulped, nodding. He laid his head on Hoseok's shoulder, kissing his chin.

"I love you hobi.."

"I love you too Yoongi Hyung.."

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