"Now moving on to a topic with a very mixed opinions from both sides and that could very well be our future: living in a world with robots. One such prominent event that comes to mind and has been talked about recently is the infamous Fazbear Entertainment, owned by former owner, William Afton, and co-owner Henry Emily."

"Wait a minute, don't shut it off," I said.

"For those who don't know Fazbear Entertainment is a company created around the late 1970's that owned various pizzeria's, having a various cast of robotic animals called animatronics. However this franchise is also known for multiple murders and tragedies that have occurred over the years at these locations, with the killer's identity or any suspect to never be found. However, as of a couple weeks ago the owner of the company and what remains of the franchise, William Afton, had passed away from a heart attack. Afterwards the company released a statement that it was William Afton's decision and last request to create an animatronic that he wished to live a life among the residents of Salt Lake City in Utah, as one of us. An animatronic named Funtime Freddy."

"Wow. Guess everyone knows of you," spoke Helpy. "Shut up!" hissed Bon Bon trying to hear the TV.

"William Afton apparently had given his old house to this Funtime Freddy to live in and have his own life. Well, that wouldn't last long as just a couple of days ago a fire struck William Afton's old house, burning it down completely. The thing is the animatronic body was not found during the search through the ruins of the burnt down house, perhaps suggesting the animatronic had escaped. If so, where is he? Why hasn't he shown up? That's not all. A couple weeks back as well, there was an interview with more of these animatronics living at the house. The thing is the public was not informed of this as apparently Funtime Freddy had found them at one of the company's locations, bringing them home to live with him. Regardless this interview was with another animatronic named Circus Baby, who touched on the company's past and what it meant for them, acknowledging the past events of the company and how they are here to prove the company can make things right."

"They're talking about the interview with Elizabeth on the paper," said Foxy. "Yeah, and to think she straight up lied to the publics face," I said. 

"These events have lead to discussion online and on social media about living in a world with robots. On one hand there are those willing to accept living technology to coexist in our world, to welcome what some would call new beings into our society. And there are those who oppose living in a society with living robots that are the same as humans, fearing they would rise up and take over. Some have even argued they don't deserve to exist and have rights like us, claiming technology doesn't deserve to evolve into anything more. The debate on this issue has formed many discussions, however today we thought we should hear both sides of this issue. I'm joined here today by a professor of University of Utah in robotics, Richard Rivers ,who is for allowing robots to live in our society. And also joining us as from Weber State University is Sam Dixie, a student who is against the idea of living in a world with robots. Now let's start off with Richard by explaining your stance on the topic."

"Yes. You see I've taught robotics for over eleven years and in the time I've realized just fascinating it is. Technology is something that can be crafted, formed and made into something more. One of those forms is robots, creating living beings like humans that is crafted from technology. Think of the wonders and accomplishments our people can achieve with robots that us humans could not do before. Sending them to space, taking over jobs like a fast food chains or grocery stores. Heck, we can have them do the most dangerous jobs like sending them into a volcano or the deep ocean. The possibilities are endless. What's better is that we can improve them and make them better, or do more with them. Robotic dogs, making humanoid robots that we can move a human being's conscience into, and of course artificial intelligence. I mean, technology is the future and we must make the most of it. Look at those animatronics for example, talking robots that, from what I heard, act as if they were one of us. You can't deny how incredible it is to think about. If I could, I would wish to meet one of them or this Funtime Freddy I've heard a lot about. In summary we need robots to advance as a society and I believe they are the next step towards our future."

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