CH 24 The Extra Credit Assignment

Start from the beginning

I stood up and walked closer to the window to see what was she was doing, when I noticed she was still for some time. 

After a few moments set her pen down, and removed the blanket that was wrapped around her as she stood up. I brought the coffee cup closer to my mouth, and took in a sip of the now cold liquid, as I saw her walk off the porch and onto the beach.

I felt my eyebrows furrow as I watched her, walk towards a large piece of driftwood... what on earth was she going to do with a piece of—


I immediately set down my cup of coffee, as I watched her pick up the large piece of wood and throw it back down on the sand. Only to then watch her pick it up again, and throw it only about two feet, due to its weight. She then picked up large clumps of sand and started throwing it in every direction, when she then thrusted her hands into her hair. 

Pulling strands out of her face, as her chest heaved up and down, while looking onto the beach.

 I thought in my mind just how I would go out there and comfort her. But before I could move an inch, Alex grabbed the bottom of her sweater and tore it off her body. Throwing it on the ground near the large piece of wood. 

Only to then take off running down the beach, north of our houses. I quickly ran to my porch and watched as Alex run. She ran, and ran, farther down the beach, when she then stopped to turn and sit down. Appearing like a little dot in my line of vision...

Okay, maybe that was the wrong movie to have her watch. It tackled the stereotype of ageism and the challenges of love, but I didn't know it would fuel her into literally running away from home...

I saw her finally stand up and walk back, slowly, towards our houses. I huffed out and uneasy breath, as I stayed on the porch watching her approach. My stomach started to twisted and sour from the sheer regret I had from making her watch that film. 

I stayed in my seat, positioned towards her house, as I watched her. Waiting for her to get even closer to me.

When she finally made it back, I saw that her face was pink, and soaked with tears. I had never seen her loose her cool. She was always smiling and had her chin up high, but now... She looked so broken and melancholy like, as she picked her sweater off the ground. 

I could tell that she was consumed with deep thought. So much so, that she didn't even look towards me or my house. She just kept her gaze straight down, as she made her way back towards her porch. Tossing a hand into her hair as she carried her sad self towards the back door.

The moment I realized she wouldn't notice me, I shot off my porch and walked back into my house. Marching towards my window so I could see her better. 

All her makeup was gone, and parts of her hair were wet from her tears. 

The sun painted the white wood pink and orange as she rubbed the side of her neck, looking only at the laptop. When she then grabbed her things, and walked into her house.

I turned around and leaned against my window, touching my chest, where I felt the pain.

This was the first time I had seen Alex so full of such a sorrowful emotion. It made me sick, and sweaty, as I felt the guilt seep into my veins. I wanted to march over there and erase her mind from every thing I exposed her heart to. 

But she was already gone. Taking safety from what she just witnessed inside her large white home.

I sat down on the couch and felt all the air in my lungs escape, as a large lump in my throat started to become present. Tomorrow would be a challenge...

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