"I'm waiting for a student, she should be here by—"

We heard the church doors slam, and footsteps approach. When I quickly covered his mouth with my hand, praying to god it's not Jade.

"Shhh." I whispered, quickly, towering over him as he sat down still. "I'm running from a student. And I—"

Before I could continue the other confessional door opened and closed, when I quickly turned off my phone flash light. Keeping my hand pressed against his freshly shaved face. When we both heard someone expel a deep breath of air.

"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. My last confession was two weeks ago." It was a female voice, one that sent chills down my spine, as if it was a natural reaction. Since my hands were, quite literally keeping a priest quiet right now, she continued. "Hey look father I'm sorry I was late, I totally forgot I had confession today." We heard her continue.

I could see Father Jepson's eyes widen as I tightened my hand over his mouth. I turned his face to the side, and whispered in his ear. "I'm not here... Got it?" I asked, rhetorically as I turned his face back to look at mine. 

"You there Jepson?" We heard her ask. 

I kept my hand firmly on Father Jepson's mouth when his eyes then narrowed into slits, and finally nodded. I slowly removed my hand, and crossed my arms over my chest as I towered over him.

"Are you mad I gave the sexy beach boy your number on the beach?" I heard her ask. Causing my eyebrows the furrow, as I thought over what I just heard. "Because, he looked exactly like your type and I couldn't pass up the opportunity. He even had a cross necklace. Maybe you two would be able to bond over—"

"Alex." Jepson said. Causing my eyebrows to shoot up and my heart to drop deep into my chest. "I didn't even know you gave someone my number." He said, looking at me with furrowed brows. When he then crossed his arms over his chest and turned towards the window. "And since when did I say you could—"

"I know, I know. But he was really cute and a bit younger than you. So I told him that I knew a guy, and he seemed into it." She said, ending her sentence in a higher tone.

I heard him expel frustrated breath and speak into the window again, "It doesn't matter if he seems into it, I'm a priest and I live here, and—"

"Hear me out, what if you move down there and retire? There are tons of people your age, and tons of men just waiting for someone like you to—"

"Alex. Maybe we should talk about you?" He cut her off, as he rushed out a nervous laugh,while side eyeing me.

"Why would we talk about me when we are waiting for some hot hunk from the beach to text you. We need to come up with a game plan for this, or at least find you someone. You can't keep pretending to be something your not."

He let out a frustrated breath again, and spoke, "I'm not pretending, I really am catholic and believe in this religion, unlike you."

"Yeah but who says you can't fully be who you are somewhere else. You don't have to be stuck at St. Mary's pretending to be some celibate, straight priest..." He gave me a side eyes, and then looked down, knowing that I now knew his deepest darkest secret. "You could be somewhere on a beach with people who not only share the same religion with you, but also have the same interests."

"I'm not going to give you credit for today if you keep trying to fix my life." He said, looking at me bashfully. I kept my arms crossed against myself as I tried to remain quiet, as she then spoke.

"Yeah but Jepson, there is so much more to life than lying, and pretending. I swear to all the saints and god himself that you belong down there. Living it up and finally embracing who you are." She said softly. 

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