The Winter Soldier

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I was squished in the backseat with Natasha and Sitwell while Sam drove and Steve got the passenger seat.

"Hydra doesn't like leaks," Sitwell mumbled.

"Well I could always just kill you now to get it over with," I suggested glaring at him.

He shut up and shrank back.

"Insight launches in 16 hours, we're cutting it close here," Natasha pointed out.

"We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly," Steve explained.

"What? Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea!" Sitwell cried.

I felt a slight jolt.

"Something's on the-"

Before I could even finish my sentence, a metal arm shot through the window and grabbed Sitwell. He was thrown out the window into oncoming traffic. I jumped in the front seat narrowly avoiding getting shot as Natasha pulled Steve out of the way in time. I kicked Sam's head narrowly missing him getting shot too. Steve reached under me pulling something and the car suddenly kicked up speed before hitting the brakes. A body came flying forward off the car.

"Who the hell is that?" Sam exclaimed as the person rose from a crouching position.

A shiver ran down my spine as my eyes met the dark goggles of the man's mask. Natasha reached for her gun but before she could grab it, another vehicle slammed into us from behind. The other vehicle pushed us forward until we were right in front of the Winter Soldier. Before we hit him, he leapt up executing a perfect flip before landing on the roof of the car. I grabbed the wheel from Sam whipping us into a different lane to escape the car behind us.

"HOLY SHIT!" Sam cried as a metal arm shot down and ripped the wheel right out of my hands.

We now had no way to steer and the other car was pushing us into the median.

"Steve grab them!" I snapped climbing into the destroyed backseat.

I pulled on my gloves. The car hit the median. I punched a hole in the back and jumped out rolling onto the highway. Shots began firing on all sides. I ran at one the men sliding past the others and slammed my fist into his skull. I scooped up his gun and began firing back at the other guys. The Winter Soldier turned slowly. He fired a grenade from his gun. I turned letting it hit my coat. It flattened against the vibranium rather than going off.

When I stood, he was preoccupied trying to kill the other three. He switched guns and moved to a lookout position. One of the guys noticed me squatting by an abandoned car. I ran at him before he could shoot slamming my fists into his chest. He flew backwards and hit the ground. I took out one more when a single shot rang out. I whipped around to see the Winter Soldier duck back onto the bridge. He reached up and pulled off his dark glasses. Deep blue eyes met mine and we both froze.

"James Buchanan Barnes," he introduced himself.
"Angelina Kathryn Rogers," I replied with a small giggle.

"I'll always protect you, you know that right, Babydoll?" he asked gently.
"Of course. And I'll always protect you." I replied.
I tripped but his grip simply tightened so I didn't fall.
"Sure you will," he chuckled.

"I don't think I could ever look at another girl after that," he admitted tucking a lock of hair behind my ear with a dopey smile on his face.
"I'll see you later, Bucky," I whispered against his lips before pulling away and grabbing my suitcase.

"Don't you ever be jealous, James," I murmured, "I'm yours."

"Open those pretty eyes, Angel, and look up," he whispered so softly I almost didn't hear him.
"I love stars," I breathed not taking my eyes off their little display.
"And I love you," James said smiling.

"Roger that, Miss Rogers," Steve replied.
"Hey when're we gonna change that to Mrs. Barnes."
"Come back alive and we'll talk about it," I replied with a small smile.

"We'll be home soon," he promised.
"You'd better be," I warned kissing him again.
"I love you Angel!"
"I love you too Bucky!"

In a split second, it all played through my mind. I couldn't move, couldn't think. All I could do was stare. A gunshot went off startling us both. He turned and jumped from the bridge. A hand on my shoulder made me jump slightly. I whipped around to see Sam kneeling behind me.

"You okay?" he asked.

I swallowed hard nodding.

"I-I'm fine," I forced out.

"You go help Nat. I'll deal with these guys," he said nodding towards the guys who were repelling from the bridge.

I nodded standing up. I ran to the edge of the bridge and leapt off as Sam began shooting the men to draw their attention away. I hit the ground hard but took off running in the direction Natasha would have gone.

The Winter Soldier

My movements were sharp, clean, and accurate as I attacked the red haired target. She was fast but I moved faster. The moment she lost focus, I took the chance to shoot her. She dropped behind a car crying out in pain. The blonde target appeared out of nowhere and started attacking me. I fought him off knocking his shield away. He was a much better opponent.

It wasn't easy to fight him. He seemed to guess most of my moves, but I knew his. I punched him finally knocking him away. Before I could move to grab my gun, something collided with my back. I felt a strange surge of energy shoot through my body and then I was thrown halfway across the street into a building. I stood feeling several things were broken.

"You are stronger than them," I commented stepping out of the rubble.

She didn't answer, merely standing there. Her fists glowed vibrant blue. I frowned examining her for a second. Her eyes met mine and I froze. Everything seemed to shut down as I stared into those piercing blue eyes of hers. They sparkled and shone like gems. It took me a moment to realize she was crying and that those were unshed tears.

"Take off the mask," she ordered.

I found myself obeying without even thinking about it. The mask fell to the ground at my feet. I looked down at it in confusion. Why did I take it off? When I looked back up, she was suddenly closer. A brief scene passed in front of my eyes: a girl with the same blonde hair in a green uniform, her eyes locked on mine, a smile on her lips, and a suitcase in her hands. A name appeared in my mind instantly: Angelina.

"Bucky..." she breathed so softly I almost didn't hear it.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" I snapped.

She took a step back a frown forming on her face. Suddenly an explosion knocked me backwards. Through the smoke, I could see her thrown backwards as well. She crumbled to the ground after slamming into a van. Something in me wanted to run to her, to check on her and make sure she was okay. That something terrified me. What was happening? I turned and ran not seeing any better option.

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