Then There Were Two

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"Schmidt is transporting Zola on a train headed south. We can intercept it in the mountains," I stated turning to Jane who stood beside me, "Tell the boys to saddle up. They need to be off the ground in an hour if we plan on catching this train."

She nodded and hurried off. I started mapping out the supposed route based off what we'd intercepted from Hydra airwaves. It seems our base demolition has finally pushed Schmidt near the edge. Where he was sending Zola, I wasn't sure. I just knew we had to take him out. Without his head scientist, Schmidt would be severely weakened. I set up the plan, analyzing every inch of it before packing up the information and putting it into a folder.

"The boys'll be leaving out of Hangar Six!" I shouted over my shoulder.

I knew someone would relay the message for me. As I walked through the compound, I happened to pass by the mannequin with my suit. A small smile tugged at my lips. It would be fantastic to be put back in action but the boys needed me here directing them.

"Someday we're gonna rock this misogynistic world," I mumbled under my breath as my fingers brushed the fabric of the coat, "Just not today."

I headed towards the hangar which was in chaos. Mechanics scrambled about preparing the plane. A nurse put first aid supplies in the back just in case. I prayed that we wouldn't need it. Just as the mechanics were finishing up, the boys arrived.

"Howling Commandos reporting for duty," Steve announced with a bright smile.

"Five minutes early too," I observed glancing at my watch, "Here is the train's route, possible landing coordinates, drop off areas, and pick up spots."

He took the folder and thumbed through it. The other men began boarding the plane but James stayed behind with Steve and me.

"You've got everything covered," he chuckled peeking over Steve's shoulder.

"That's my job. Also Stark created these new tracking device," I replied holding up the small devices.

I pinned them to his shirt and Steve's suit which was under a thick jacket.

"Keep my Bucky safe alright?" I said straightening Steve's jacket.

"You act as if I ain't here, Babydoll," Bucky chuckled grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him.

I smiled up at him. He pressed his lips to mine gently.

"We'll be home soon," he promised.

"You'd better be," I warned kissing him again.

He laughed kissing me once more. Another peck turned into three and then four. Eventually Steve got annoyed and grabbed James by the shoulders.

"Alright lovebirds, let's get a move on," he chuckled steering James towards the plane.

"I love you Angel!" James shouted over his shoulder with a childish grin.

"I love you too Bucky!" I called back smiling and shaking my head.

That boy was certainly something else. I headed back to the map room to join the girls that worked the radios.

"Miss Rogers, Sergeant Barnes left something for you in there," one of the younger corporals said pointing to my special work area.

With a confused frown, I walked over to check it out. There was a basket as well as a bouquet of flowers and some folded fabric. I got a closer look and saw the fabric was actually a picnic blanket. A smile edged its way onto my face as picked up the small piece of paper sitting atop the basket.

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