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I let out a soft groan as I sat up. I blinked in confusion for a few minutes before remembering where I was. Lucky for us, the guy we'd met on our run that one morning was willing to take us in. I stood feeling shooting pain in multiple areas of my back. Gritting my teeth, I twisted my back almost a complete 180 initiating a series of loud cracks. I then rolled my shoulders knocking everything else back into place with a pop.

"That was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen."

I frowned turning to see Sam standing in the doorway with a look of disgust on his face.

"Thank you," I replied.

"I made breakfast," he finally said before turning and leaving.

I smirked and followed after him to the kitchen. Steve and Natasha joined us after bit.

"The question is who at SHIELD can call for that level of attack," Natasha stated as we ate.

"Pierce," Steve answered.

"Oh so the one person sitting on top of one of the most secure instillation in the world," I sighed.

"He's not working alone," Steve said seeming to be thinking something through.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he's got the Winter Solider sitting in his arsenal," I added with a nod, "Plus that algorithm had to have been created by someone with top notch skill, skill Pierce definitely doesn't have."

"So how do the three most wanted agents kidnap the head of SHIELD?" Steve questioned.

"You don't."

We all looked up to see Sam walk over. He set a large file down in front of Steve.

"What's this?"

"Consider it a resume," he stated.

I picked up the file flipping through it. I hadn't heard of the mission before but Natasha had. She seemed impressed so I figured it was a dangerous one. I paused seeing the pictures of a suit, a suit with wings.

"I thought you said you were a pilot," Steve frowned.

"Never said I was a pilot," Sam chuckled.

"You're good in this thing?" I asked holding up the picture.

He nodded.

"The last one is at Fort Mead behind three gates and a steel wall," he explained.

I exchanged a look with Natasha and Steve.

"He's in."

I smiled as I sat in my favorite position, behind a sniper rifle.

"We ready?" I asked into the walkie on my side.

"Yep. Train it on him the minute he sees me," Sam answered.

"Roger that."

"Is that not weird for you to say?"

"Just make the call."

I rolled my eyes waiting. As soon as Sitwell had his attention of same, I turned the laser guide on. The red dot appearing on his tie. Sitwell looked down and finally saw it. He nearly wet himself just looking at it. I smirked as he headed in the direction Sam had told him. I met up with Steve and Natasha on the roof.

"What do you know about Zola's algorithm?" Steve barked practically throwing Sitwell across the roof.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," he cried scrambling back until he was at the edge of the roof.

Steve grabbed him before he could fall.

"Throwing a man off a building isn't really your style, Captain," Sitwell slyly remarked.

Steve set him down with a false smile.

"You're right, it's not. It is hers though," he replied stepping to the side.

Natasha slammed her foot into the guy's chest knocking him off the building.

"You know, Sam's kinda cute," she said turning to me.

"Nope, we're not doing this right now," I snapped with a playful glare.

"Oh c'mon, you two would be cute," Steve added.

"Oh shut up," I laughed punching his arm.

Sam shot up into the air dangling Sitwell by his foot. I smiled impressed by the wings. He threw Sitwell down on the roof and the guy started spilling information. He explained how the algorithm was made to take out anyone who was a threat to it. Then he started listing off people who were plausible threats, many of whom I recognized.

"It uses people pasts to predict their futures," he finished.

"What then?" I questioned.

"Pierce's gonna kill me," he breathed looking terrified.

"What then?" I snapped grabbing him by the front of his shirt.

"It scratches people off the list. A couple million at a time."

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