Captain America Comes to Visit

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I walked over noticing Steve sitting on the stairs of the stage. In his hands was some type of journal where he was doodling what appeared to be a monkey riding a unicycle on a tightrope.

"How'd it go?" I asked referring to the show they'd just put on for the men.

It was supposed to raise their moral a bit but I doubt it worked.

"Terrible," he huffed, "I guess I'm used to crowds being more twelve."

I nodded with a sigh and sat next to him.

"They've been through a lot recently. Major loss only a few days ago that led to the capture and/or death of at least two thirds of the regiment," I explained, "Everyone's feeling down."

He sighed looking down at his drawing.

"I finally got what I wanted, or at least I think I did. Fighting for my country, helping out where I can," he started looking out into the rain.

"But you feel like a circus monkey," I ended for him.

He nodded closing the journal.

"This isn't your only option you know? Everyone has the choice of what they want to do with their lives. Being a circus monkey doesn't have to be your choice," I advised.

He didn't respond for a bit and we sat in the silence. The only sound was the rain which was coming down lightly. Suddenly he sat up.

"What regiment is this?" he asked.

"The 107th," I answered with a small smile.

He looked back at me in shock. Before I could stop him, he jumped to his feet and sprinted towards the main building. I followed but was slowed by the mud. Heels and mud do not mix at all, what idiot designed these uniforms anyway? When I reached it, I walked in just in time to see the General giving Steve the unfortunate news about Barnes. His shoulders slumped forward immediately upon hearing it.

"Steve," I said softly putting a hand on his shoulder.

He looked back at me with watery eyes.

"Most of the men were captured not killed. Bucky might still be alive," I said.

His eyes instantly filled with hope and turned to the General.

"We have to get those men out of there. Who knows what Hydra will do to them," he demanded.

"Rogers we can't lose anyone else. This idea would be suicide," the General replied rolling his eyes, "I've already written enough letter of remorse today. Don't add to it."

"But there's still a chance to get them out. Hydra won't expect us to attack head on. We might not need to send those letters out if we can bring them back," Steve argued.

"We are not wasting our time on a suicide mission. Don't you have somewhere to be, Captain," the General huffed turning away.

"Yes, I do," Steve grumbled turning sharply and leaving the room.

I stopped him before he could get too far.

"I'm really not supposed to do this but, there is someone here who can help you."


I looked at the sketch of the gun we'd put together using the descriptions the soldiers had given us. They weren't much different from the standard ones we had. It was the glowing blue part I hadn't figured out yet. These things had enough power to blow our tanks to smithers with one shot. But there was no known power source that could do that other than a nuclear bomb. Yet there were no traces of nuclear activity.

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