Cut One Head Off

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I followed Steve through the hospital. I don't know why we're here but he seemed to be on a mission so I just followed. The feeling of being watched made me look around. However, I saw no one. The feeling didn't go away until we'd turned down a separate hallway. Steve walked right up to the vending machine. He looked in and then froze.

"What is it?" I asked frowning and looking in too.

There was nothing there. Natasha walked over seeming to appear out of nowhere and made a large bubble with some gum. The second she popped it, Steve whipped around and shoved her into an empty room.

"Steve, what the hell," I hissed as he pinned her to the wall.

"Where is it?" he asked angrily.

"Somewhere safe," she answered, "Who gave it to you? Fury did, didn't he."

"What was on it?"

"I don't know."

"Don't lie to me Romanoff."

"I just act like I know everything okay? I don't know what was on it."

"On what?" I cut in.

They both glanced at me and then ignored me. I glared at them as they continued to argue back and forth.

"I know who killed Fury."

My head shot up at the sound of her words.

"They call him the Winter Soldier. He's a deadly assassin with impeccable aim that has been racking up a record breaking number of kills for the past 50 years," she continued.

"Fifty years? Nat that's impossible," I scoffed with a frown.

"I know it sounds impossible, but I've seen him. I had a technical engineer I was supposed to protect once," she answered shaking her head before lifting her shirt to reveal a large scar on her stomach, "He shot through me to get to him. I know he's real."

I stood there shocked into silence. This guy clearly meant business.

"He's completely untraceable though," Nat sighed holding up a flash drive, "He's practically a ghost story."

Steve took the drive from her. I'm guessing that's what they were arguing about. Both of them looked ready to just give up. I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat. They looked at me expectantly.

"Untraceable my ass, you're talking to the Guardian Angel here. And if we can't find him, we'll figure out what he wants," I said making them both smile.

We headed to the first place we could think of to try and hack the drive. That ended up being an Apple Store.

"It'll send out a signal the minute I hook it up that'll alert SHIELD of its location," I warned as we walked in.

"How much time will we have?" Steve asked.

"Nine minutes starting.... now."

I started trying to crack the drive's protection systems. That quickly proved to be harder than I'd expected.

"Huh... whoever made this is pretty good," I muttered half under my breath, "It's protected by some AI that's rerouting codes as I work. It keeps blocking me out."

"Can you override it?" Steve asked.

"I haven't worked with computers in years," I responded, "Lemme see if I can figure out where the signal's coming from."

"Can I help you guys with anything?" a worker asked walking over.

I didn't look up and kept typing trying to move faster than the AI.

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