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"You are definitely not coming with me to the recruiting station," James huffed as I followed him through the crowded street.

"Yes I am, and you won't stop me this time," I snapped, "I'm eighteen which makes me eligible."

"Steve doesn't know you're here does he?" he stated not looking back at me.

I didn't have to answer. We both knew the answer to that. I grabbed his arm stopping him.

"I'm going with or without you, Barnes," I huffed.

He stared down at me. I stared right back not backing down. Over the years our height difference had certainly grown as he'd gotten taller and I seemed to have stopped growing entirely. His eyes were darker now and he tended to smile less. He'd also finally gotten a hair cut which was nice. He had muscles now too.

"Damn, you're lucky you're such a dame," he groaned, "C'mon."

I smacked his arm with a sharp look to which he laughed. We went into the recruiting station.

"Name," the lady at the front desk said in a bored, monotone voice.

"Angelina Kathryn Rogers," I answered.

She handed me a packet of forms to fill out. I took them and began to fill them out. James soon joined me filling out his own forms. I looked up when he bumped my foot suddenly.

"Don't look now but just about all eyes are on you," he whispered in my ear.

I glanced up to see multiple men staring in our direction. Even a few of the ladies were looking at us.

"I believe some of them are looking at you," I murmured back with a chuckle.

He glanced up and caught the eye of one of the young girls. He winked at her to which she giggled and her friend practically swooned. The two of us laughed softly at their reaction. After a little I was called back.

"Hello Ms. Rogers," the nurse said as she walked in.

"Hello," I replied with a smile.

"Are you looking to go into nursing or a position in the Academy?" she asked as she checked my blood pressure and heart rate.

"Academy positions are open to women?" I questioned with a frown.

"They are now. We need everyone to help win this war. Plus we women tend to have an eye in this sort of stuff that men just don't have," she answered with a playful smirk.

I laughed nodding.

"Well then I would like to try my luck in the Academy if I can," I replied.

"Good, we need more women on the front lines to keep these soldiers in check," she said with a sly smile before winking, "I'll be right back."

I chuckled as she left. I hadn't even considered the Academy a possibility up until now. In the last war, it was only open to men. I guess they finally realized women can do this stuff too. After my exam, the nurse returned with a file in her hand. I smiled at the sight of the mark of approval. One of the female officers then helped me with my application to the Academy.

"So how'd it go?" James asked as soon as we left the station.

"I'm all set. They sent in my application for the Academy and I'll find out if I got in or not in two weeks," I answered.

"The Academy?!" he snapped stopping in the middle of the street, "You can't go to the Academy!"

"Why not?" I snapped crossing my arms over my chest angrily, "And don't you dare say it's because I am a woman."

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