A Trip to Paris

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I slammed fists one after another into the punching bag in front of me. The tension and fear inside was drawn out through the repetitive motion. I tried not to think, just do. But the thoughts kept nagging at the back of my mind. Angelina was going to be all on her own in a totally different country where she'd never even been before. Why did Fury agree to this? She needs to stay here with me where I can keep her safe. Not out in the world where anything could happen to her.


I turned to see her standing there with a small carry-on at her feet. She gave me a small smile and walked over. I opened my arms and wrapped them around her. Her arms hugged tightly to my torso as she buried her face in my chest. Several minutes passed before she let go. I wasn't ready though. I clung to her still earning a small chuckle from her.

"We can do this the hard way or the easy way," she said gently pulling out of my grip, "I'll be back someday, I promise."

"Don't promise," I snapped with a frown.

She sighed. Her electric blue eyes dropped to the ground. I noticed the slight bags under her eyes but decided not to say anything about it.

"Take care of yourself okay? Don't get into any trouble while I'm gone," she finally said breaking the silence.

"I'll try my best," I chuckled kissing her forehead, "The same goes for you. Be careful while you're in France. And don't be afraid to call me if you need anything."

She nodded hugging me one more time before grabbing her bag and leaving. I watched her go. Once she was out of sight, I turned back to the punching bag. My fists drilled into it faster than ever. It flew off the chain splitting open. Heavy breaths left me as I squeezed my eyes shut. Please let her stay safe.

Three months later.... Angelina

"Une poire, trois pommes et un pamplemousse. Merci!" I said to the lady of the fruit stand. (One pear, three apples, and a grapefruit. Thank you!)

"Ici, vous allez Miss. Avoir une belle journée!" she replied with a bright smile. (Here you go Miss. Have a great day!)

I took the bag from her and headed towards my apartment. My three months in Paris have sadly done nothing to help. The nightmares are still there, the flashbacks still take me out of time sometimes for an hour or more. There are much less triggers here in France though. For that, I am grateful. Fury set me up with a SHIELD agent currently living here who also happened to work with PTSD patients. My phone rang bringing me out of my thoughts.

"When you planning to be back?" the voice of the previously mentioned agent came through the phone.

"No hello? Well that's awfully rude of you, Jacob," I teased with a smirk.

He sighed and chuckled.

"Hello Angelina," he said.

"Hello Jacob, now why are you asking?" I replied.

"I've got a surprise for you," he answered and I could practically hear the smile in his voice, "Just hurry back okay?"

"I'll be there in five minutes," I chuckled shaking my head.

He hung up after saying goodbye. When I got back to my apartment, he was sitting on the couch in the living room flipping through the channels on TV.

"Hey, that's my TV mind you. And get off my couch!" I cried shooing him off and grabbing the remote.

He laughed jumping to his feet and moving to stand behind the couch. I set the bag of fruit on the coffee table before looking at him expectantly.

"So..." I trailed off.

"Go look in the kitchen," he said with a cheeky grin.

I rolled my eyes at his playfulness then did as he said. A small gasp left my lips. A beautiful pale blue cake sat on the counter. Several pink and pale yellow flowers decorated the sides. Written in curly letters were the words, "Happy Birthday, Angel".

"So what'd ya think?" he asked from behind me with a nervous look.

"Jacob, it's beautiful," I breathed walking closer to it, "How'd you know it was my birthday?"

"I asked Steve," he answered sheepishly looking at the floor, "It's vanilla with butter cream icing. He said that was always your favorite."

My eyes landed on the writing again. I felt the corners of my lips tilting downward. I swiped my finger through the frosting tasting it. It was delicious. My eyes still kept moving back to the lettering.

"Why does it say Angel?" I finally managed to ask glancing back at him.

He walked over and looked down at the cake. His face instantly reddened as he turned back to me.

"I guess your full name didn't fit," he answered with a shrug.

I swallowed hard feeling my heartbeat speeding up a little. I closed my eyes for a moment. It's okay...I'm okay...now is not the time for this...he was just trying to be sweet...

"Hey you okay?" he asked worriedly.

I felt his hand on my chin tilting my head up. My eyes opened only to meet his deep brown ones. We were close enough that I could see them dilate slightly. I stumbled a little feeling dizzy all of a sudden.

"Whoa, whoa hey, breathe, Angelina breathe," Jacob whispered his arms moving around me to hold me up.

I blinked rapidly shaking my head. Brown eyes? No they should be blue. Why aren't they blue? I felt my hand clutching tightly to his soft, blue shirt. My eyes flickered down to my hand. This isn't right. Bucky never wears blue. Blue's for me. Bucky likes me in blue. He has blue eyes. Eyes! No, not brown.


I couldn't focus, couldn't see straight. My head hurt and everything felt wrong. My body was telling me this wasn't right. Something's not right. I shoved the man in front of me away. He stumbled backwards. He reached out again but I hit him, hard. He dropped to the ground. Fear gripped me. My heart's beating too fast, it's too fast. The next thing I knew I found myself sprinting down the street. I skidded to a stop. Where am I going? Where am I? Where's Steve? Where's Bucky?

"Not right, not right," I mumbled around my breath my head whippig back and forth, "Bucky? Steve?"

I was running again. Then I froze. I was teetering on the edge of a bridge almost about to fall into the water below. A strangled cry left my lips and I collapsed to the ground clutching my head.

"Angelina, calm down! I'm right here!"

I looked up sharply to see Bucky running towards me. But it was wrong, something was wrong. His eyes were brown not blue. Blond hair, no! He should have dark brown hair! I pulled my knees to my chest sobbing. Make it stop! Make it stop! I felt a hand on my shoulder but I didn't look up. I knew what'd I'd see and I didn't wanna see it. I didn't want to see him. He's not here, he's gone, he's dead! My eyes snapped open and it was over.

My hair was plastered to my forehead and neck with sweat. I sucked in a few sharp breaths as my heartbeat returned to a normal pace. My hand was hurting. I don't know why though. I didn't try to figure it out either. I simply stared out at the river. A clock in the distance chimed four o'clock. Taking another shaky breath, I rose to my feet. I looked around. I was in the south side of the city about seven miles from my apartment. As I walked past a bar, the person talking on the TV made me pause and turn. It was a reporter but briefly the TV changed. I frowned walking over. It flickered again this time staying blank.

"Miss Rogers, I know you're supposed to be recovering right now but we need your help. Get to SHIELD as fast as possible," a voice emanated from the screen.

I noticed several people glaring angrily at the screen. A few began complaining about a sharp noise. The bartender came over and smacked the TV. It clicked back to the news report. It dawned on me that the message had been sent on a different frequency, one normal humans couldn't hear properly.

"Looks like it's time to head home," I mumbled to myself pushing a button on the bracelet on my wrist.

In a few seconds, my motorcycle pulled up to the curb. I put a comm link in my ear hopping on.

"Guardian Angel to SHIELD, I am on my way."

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