Four Months Later...

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Things at the Academy have finally started going pretty good. At first all the men were jerks and harassed all of us girls but they soon stopped after one of the captains began looking out for us. I would've seen it as him just playing nice to try to get in our pants but it's become clear over the last few months that he's real fruity if you know what I mean. By now we girls had formed a tight knit little group and always watched out for each. It was like having sisters.

"Mail call!" the warden called.

I hurried out of my dorm with my dorm mate, Trina, on my heels. Sophia got a package. Jane Elizabeth got two packages. Lindsey got a bunch of letters and postcards. I was the last one to receive my mail. Two identical letters with similar looking handwriting. A smile slipped onto my lips as we all crowded into Lindsey and Katelyn's dorm room as usual to open everything. I opened my letter from Steve first. It was a sweet letter that was also funny as he recounted the failed dates he'd gone on and his second and third attempt to join the army.

"Two letters as usual," Jane Elizabeth snickered plucking the one from Steve out of my hands.

"One from the overprotective older brother and one from Sergeant Dreamboat," Trina giggled.

I blushed rolling my eyes.

"His name is James," I said.

"Who cares?," Sophia giggled plopping down next to me, "Read it to us!"

I laughed ripping open the envelope and pulling out the letter. A small photograph fell out. I picked it up before the girls could. It was a picture of me and James at the dance hall the night of his senior prom.

"Oh that's adorable," Sophia cooed peering over my shoulder.

They all passed it around quickly before handing it back to me.

"Oh the things I'd let a boy like that do to me," Lindsey swooned falling dramatically to her bed.

We all laughed at her antics rolling our eyes. Then they all turned to look at me and I knew I wasn't getting out of reading his letter this time.

Dear My Angelina,

"Aawww," they all cooed together.

"I wish a boy'd call me his," Trina huffed.

"That ain't a boy, that's a man," Lindsey snorted sitting up from her bed.

"You can say that again," Sophia sighed dreamily.

"Do you want me to read it or not?" I laughed.

"Read it!" they all cried sitting forward.

I'm happy to know you've made friends at the Academy. Especially since they are all female. I hope you know that Steve lets me read everything you send him. I'm glad that Lindsey finds me attractive but you might want to let her know that I am already taken.

Things are fairly quiet around here without you around. Steve is still trying his hardest but they keep sending him away. It's not getting his spirits down though. You'd think he'd just give up. I miss having you here to deal with his health problems. I'm not very good at playing nurse.

Okay, Steve stopped reading over my shoulder so I can say what I really wanted to. Do you know how hard it is to love someone who is so far away from you? I'm practically counting down the days until you come back. I can't even sleep at night without thinking about you. This is all your fault! If you hadn't left me with that perfect kiss, I'd never have had this problem nor this desire for more. Don't find anyone else while you're gone cause I'm waiting for you.

Missing you,


P.S. I know you're reading this out loud to the girls. Tell them I said hi. And read the last part to yourself. There's also something else in the envelope.

For a second it was quiet, then they all started squealing. I laughed at their excitement.

"You are literally living the dream life," Trina sighed, "You're on your way to becoming a corporal. You've got a super sweet, sexy boy pining after you. How could it get any better?"

I read the last few lines on the page.

I'm hoping this will stop anyone from coming near my girl. Hope you don't mind me referring to you as that from now on. Sorry about the condensed version of your name, there wasn't enough room.

I turned the envelope upside down and a small object fell into my lap. I picked it up and realized it was a locket. The girls gasped as I opened it. Inside was a picture of James in his uniform. On the other side was an inscription that read, For my beautiful Angel.

"Oh that is precious," Katelyn cooed.

"When are you two going to start going steady?" Sophia asked hopping up from her spot beside me.

"I don't know. Maybe when I get back. It's just that we get back around the time orders come out. What if we're on opposite sides of the war front?" I sighed putting the locket on.

"Well we all know that the most likely place for them to send us is to the 107th. At least that's what Corporal Carter said," Trina replied.

"But what if he isn't sent there?" I responded still not seeing much hope in it.

"Have some hope, Angelina," Lindsey chuckled, "After all that boy is whipped."

They all nodded. There was a sudden knock on the door. We looked up to see Corporal Carter standing in the doorway.

"Ms. Rogers, I need to speak with you," she said before turning and leaving.

I exchanged a look with the girls before hurrying after her. She kept a brisk pace as we walked through the halls.

"You have been selected out of thousands of young women to join a special newly developed program," she explained as we walked, "It is being called: Guardian Angel. In a few minutes we will be joining the General, our lead scientists, Howard Stark, and several congressmen to discuss this program in a more secure area. You will be briefed on your role in this program at that time as well. All of this, however, is to remain top secret."

I nodded trying to comprehend all she was saying in the short time she'd said it. I quickly realized how much a big deal this must be if it involved government officers and Stark. We entered a series of doors all of which were heavily guarded. Everyone looked up as we entered the room.

"Alright now that she's here let's get this over with," the General grumbled.

"Permission to speak?" I asked.

"Permission granted," he huffed.

"What exactly is Guardian Angel?" I asked as I took my seat.

"It, my dear," one of the scientists spoke up, "Is you."

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