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I took a few deep breaths squeezing my eyes shut. Feeling up and down my arm and shoulder, I tried to gauge the damage. Definitely torn ligaments and possible dislocation. I heard the window open followed by the softest footfalls. Steve poked his head into the room and sighed in relief when he saw Fury.

"Don't remember giving you a key to my apartment," he commented.

"Yes, but you gave me one," I said standing up.

He looked over at me in confusion. Then he frowned and turned on the lights. His eyes widened at the sight of the two of us. Fury put a finger to his lips and turned the lights back off.

"My wife kicked me out," he explained.

"I didn't know you had a wife," Steve said slowly.

Oh my poor dear brother. The effort it's taking him to figure this all out is sort of sad.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me," Fury answered with a shrug.

"He came to me first but him and Stark in the same building isn't the best idea so I suggested here. I hope you don't mind a roommate," I said as Fury typed something on his phone.

Steve read the short message and realization spread across his face. I held back a small smile.

"Who else knows about your wife?" he asked.

"Just my friends," Fury answered standing up and hobbling forward a little.

I bit my lip feeling a little nervous about all that was happening. I mean how could anyone compromise SHIELD like this? A soft click filled my ears along with the easy gliding sound of metal on metal. Before I could react, three shots were fired through the wall. All three nailed Fury in the back.

"Get him out of here," I snapped grabbing a hidden gun.

I left the apartment immediately and banged on the next door. Agent Carter appeared in the doorway with a confused look.

"Fury's down, Steve's with him. I'll be back," I told her in a short clipped tone before darting up the stairs to the roof access.

Shortly after Steve followed. We chased after the shooter who I recognized as the same person who'd tried to kill us earlier. Just as we caught up to him, Steve threw his shield. The man turned and caught it easily. My eyes widened in shock as I realized his left arm was completely metal. He threw the shield back aiming for me intentionally. I hardly had time to move out of the way. It nailed me in the side with a loud crack. I hissed in pain falling to the ground as I felt several rips break. Suddenly it grew very hard to breathe.

"Angelina!" Steve cried kneeling beside me.

I saw the man falter for a second staring at me. His eyes locked with mine, and he seemed to freeze.

"Get him," I snapped pushing Steve away, "I'm fine."

He ran after the man. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to control my breathing. Something was wrong. It's never been this hard to breathe. Steve returned saying that the man had disappeared.

"Call 911," I panted finding it nearly impossible to catch my breath.

"What's wrong?" he asked worriedly as he picked me up.

A cry of pain left me when he did so.

"Broken ribs, torn ligaments in my shoulder, and quite possibly a pierced lung," I said all in one breath.

"Shit," he breathed.


I stood at the glass watching as they operated on Director Fury. It didn't seem to be going so well. Angelina had been taken into surgery as well but not in a room where we could see. She was right about what was injured which helped the doctors a lot. I wasn't worried about her though. She's going to be okay, especially with the serum in her blood stream. Director Fury might not make it. Natasha jogged over with a worried expression.

"Did you catch the shooter?" she asked.

"No," I answered looking down at my shoes, "He disappeared."

"What did he look like?"

"Couldn't see much, it was too dark. But he's strong, fast, and has a metal arm."

"And what about the gun?"

"We've got very little on it," Maria sighed walking over as well.

Suddenly Director Fury began to flat line. We all watched intently as the doctors rushed around. My heart thudded in my chest. They shocked him twice, but it was too late. I closed my eyes tilting my head down. Beside me I could hear Nat and Maria crying softly.

"I'm gonna go check on Angelina," I stated, "She should be out of surgery."

I headed to the ICU fiddling with the hard drive still in my hand. What could possibly be on this thing? Was it really worth dying for? When I walked into the room, Angelina was sleeping. Most of her smaller cuts and bruises had already healed. She moved around a little in her sleep, her eyes fluttering restlessly. Suddenly she shot up gasping. I rushed over grabbing her and leaning her back down.

"Steve?" she breathed softly sounding confused and scared.

"I'm right here," I said taking her hand and stroking her hair.

"He was here," she gasped out still breathing heavily, "Oh my gosh...he, he was here."

"Who was?" I asked with a frown.

She looked at me with tears cascading down her cheeks.


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