Let the Manhunt Begin

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I was released from the hospital a few hours after Fury's death. I left with Steve. The ride back to SHIELD was silent considering all things that have so far happened. My nerves were still shaky from the dream I'd had. It was horrifyingly realistic.

I saw Bucky, but he was different from before. He didn't come near me. Instead he just lurked in the corners of the operation room. A dark mask covered most of his face but I knew his eyes, as dark and brooding as they were, I would always know them. They never left me as he stalked around the room. And then, he was gone, vanished into thin air. A sinister sort of feeling had settled around me and the soft ache in my chest was replaced by fear.

Both Steve and I decided suiting up would be in our favor. We didn't know who we could trust and our lives were in danger. Nowhere was safe and no one was a friend. Soon after we arrived though, Steve was called into Pierce's office for a private meeting. I ended up wandering around not having anything better to do.

"Hey Angelina!"

I turned to see Jackson, one of the guys on our strike team, jogging to catch up with me.

"Hey," I responded with much less enthusiasm.

I'd never been very close to Fury, but his death still hurt. He was still my boss even though he could be a bit of jerk sometimes. We walked side by side down the hall.

"I'm sorry about what happened with Director Fury," he said clearly picking up on my mode.

"I just wish I'd been faster," I sighed shaking my head.

"Well you did try to warn him," he responded with a shrug.

I nodded. Wait a minute, what? I froze causing him to stop and look at me curiously.

"Warn him about what?" I asked slowly.

"Didn't you try to tell him that those weren't real police officers?" he answered looking confused.

I flicked on both of my gloves subtly.

"Yes I did," I said in a slow measured tone, "But I haven't told anyone that yet."

His eyes dropped to my now glowing gloves. Fear filled his eyes instantly. I slammed my fist into his chest causing him to fly backwards. The sound of clicks made me look up. I jumped out of the way just in time narrowly missing the tranquilizer dart. I punched the wall effectively knocking four men off of their perches somewhere above.

"Well would you look at that," I muttered to myself shaking my head, "Fury was right about not trusting anyone."

I sprinted down the hall knocking down anyone who got in my way or tried to stop me. I was headed for the elevator but an entire strike team was already there trying to get at whoever was inside. Steve, I thought to myself. He can handle himself.

"Miss Rogers freeze where you are," a muffled voice said.

I looked back to see that a team had moved in on me too.

"I've had enough freezing to last a lifetime," I snapped punching downwards.

A massive hole appeared in the floor and I fell through, accidentally startling several civilians. Shots rang out around me though most deflected off my coat. I took off sprinting again dodging agent after agent.

"Angelina, go to the window and jump!"

I nearly fell on my face when I heard Steve's voice in the comm.

"That sounds like a horrible idea!" I shouted back.

Dammit! If only I had my motorcycle! But I'd left the remote back at Steve's apartment.

"You got a better idea," he snapped.

"Fine! Sixteenth floor!" I shouted running towards the nearest window, "Drop me and I'll bury you back in that ice."

He laughed not seeming to care for the threat. I burst through the window easily shattering the glass. The worst part is always the free fall. I fell roughly eight floors before landing harshly on Steve's bike.

"That could've been smoother," I groaned hooking my arms around his waist.

"You really wanna complain right now," he snapped.

I rolled my eyes before reaching up and yanking off his comm unit. I then took mine off as well and threw them to the ground. My phone went next. We were almost down the bridge when a Quinjet flew in front of us.

"You take the left side, I've got the right?" I suggested.

"Sounds good to me," he nodded with a shrug

"Captain and Guardian, I need you to stop. Do not proceed any further," the man flying the Quinjet said.

When we didn't slow or stop, a machine gun lowered and began firing. Steve dodged the rain of bullets easily. He threw his shield. After it hit the Quinjet, we both jumped from the motorcycle onto the Quinjet. We destroyed everything we could to make it fall. Finally it did and we took off again trying to put as much distance between us and headquarters as possible.


"I want everyone on this got it? Scan all traffic cameras for facial recognition. Lockdown every social media website. If someone so much as mentions them in a tweet, you alert me right away."

"Is there a reason we're chasing down both Captain America and the Guardian Angel?" Agent Carter asked with a frown.

Several other agents murmured in confusion as well. This was rather abrupt after all and they saw no reason as to why it was necessary. None of them knew about the freshly destroyed Quinjet and the squads that had been ineffective in capturing the duo.

"Yes. Both Rogers were there at the time of Nick's death and were with him prior to his death. They are withholding information about the events occurring prior to his death," Pierce answered walking into the room, "We need to find them as soon as possible."

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